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Why We Use
Citation:   Larry Johnson. "Why We Use: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp19549)". Jun 13, 2020.

1.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
One night I found out some kid I know had some mushrooms so me and my buddy picked up 3g to split. It was a weeknight and I was planning on doing a full 1/8th of them later on in the week with a larger group of people, but I wanted just a little preview so I took 1.5g with just one other person.

We ate them right after dinner. I was just chillin out with some friends and they kept asking me if they were working, I was just like no not yet, anticipating to trip. We smoked a little bit while waiting for the effects come on. They finally did 4 hours later which seemed kind of odd to me.

We put on Wizard of Oz, a great movie to watch when your tripping. I felt I was drawn into the movie, that I was right there alongside with Dorthey. My concentration was 100% on the movie on nothing around me could distract me. I found watching this movie was such a rewarding experience. My mind was racing and I was amazed by the creativity that went into making this movie. I took a look at myself and asked myself why am I doing shroomz? I wanted a better answer than because it's fun. I started thinking deeply and I came up with a theory and this is what I came up with...

When I was a little kid, around 3-5 years old, all kinds of crazy things came out of my mouth, and the ridiculous ideas flowing through myhead, the crazy dreams I had. At that time I had such a vivid imagination and open-mindedness, without societies influences. As I grow up I've become closed minded and lost my vivid imagination, I think inside the box, the way I am taught to think. I lose our innocence. When I was a kid, I could talk to anyone and make friends without thinking. I never judged people; I never had stereotypes or prejudices. As I grow older I start to judge people and have those stereotypes and prejudices. It was so fun being a little kid, that’s I use drugs. I want to go back to the time when I was a kid, when I had pure innocent fun just being opened minded and imaginative.

As kids I would watch movies like Wizard of Oz and love them because I had such a great imagination and I was open-minded. If I watched them now while sober I would think it’s a silly movie. Drugs allow me to go back to the time I was a kid and appreciate the movie because drugs give me the imagination and open-mindedness that has since faded away.

Doing shroomz was such a great experience that opened my mind so much.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19549
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 13, 2020Views: 792
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