I Couldn't Understand English Anymore
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   lifted off. "I Couldn't Understand English Anymore: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp19894)". Erowid.org. Oct 1, 2018. erowid.org/exp/19894

1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  .5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Shrooms are a crazy drug, but when combined with weed can be extremely crazy. I had done shrooms before this, and it was fun, so me and 2 friends G and P decided to shroom again

Before we digested the shrooms straight out of the bag with a little help from water and juice, me and G smoked a bowl each so we were feeling relatively stoned. Weed also helps the shrooms kick in faster.

Shrooms usually take about 30-45 minutes to kick it, and when they do the body high comes in. Everything is funny, you feel light, giddy, humorous, extreme energy, happyness, etc. However, this time because I smoked weed, this stage was bypassed completely. After 30 minutes me and my friends walked to the park near our house. As we hiked down to this spot we had previously decided to trip at, I noticed my vision getting very starry, blinking lights were everywhere. We got to the spot and sat down, all of a sudden I could not understand a work my friends were saying. It sounded like I was hearing the english language for the first time. I looked at the scenery in front of me but I couldnt even comprehend what it was. Everything had turned chrome, even the trees, Everything was extremely bright and I could barely focus on anything. The hill in the distance had turned into a dinosaur shape, the sky was completely silver, the foilage all around me was completely chrome and silver. Objects such as my cigerrete butt had taken on life. THe cigerette wrapper was having sex with the cigerette filter. THe smoke coming off my friends cigerettes looked like jet fighters. This is the intense hallucination stage one might experiance from shrooms. It will probably last about an hour or so, then the hallucinations and trip will begin to wear down.

After an hour, we left the park to go smoke a blunt, I was feeling pretty good. The intense hallucinations were gone, replaced by milder hallucinations such as ground patterns and walls breathing when focused on. The giddyness feeling was still there. I was able to understand english again. However, after we smoked the blunt my friend P started to really trip. Marijuana intensifies ANY drug I take alot!!! The marijana propelled him into a state of complete 'what the hell is going on'. He crazily stumbled around the room and halls of his apartment bullding that we were staying at. He must have said 'what the f*ck' at least 100 times. At least me and G were their to help him calm down, which you should always do on shrooms. This is at about 3 hours into our shroom trip. I was already mildly coming down, I could still see patterns on the ground, and people looked really weird

At about 4 hours I was still seeing patterns, especially of this figure of my dad pointing his finger disciplining me, which I found really weird, as if this pattern is trying to warn me that I am trapped by my parents or something

At about 5 hours most effects were gone, I could only see patterns if I focused really hard on stuff, at about 6 hours almost all effects were gone

Some basic things I try to follow when shrooming

1. Be around friends
2. Bring lots of cigerrettes
3. If I'm are having a bag trip, just think to myself at all times 'this will be over in a few hours, I'm just tripping, what is happening in my brain IS NOT happening in reality' This really helps me when I trip bad on shrooms
4. Try and remember some shit to think to myself when shrooming...sometimes I want bring a peice of paper and try (if I can) and write down the stuff I think. I can be in a deep though process in which I can have revelations about life, relationships, etc.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 19894
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 1, 2018Views: 798
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Nature / Outdoors (23), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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