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For Enhancement of School Performance
DMAE & Ginseng
Citation:   xamox. "For Enhancement of School Performance: An Experience with DMAE & Ginseng (exp20893)". Jan 28, 2004.

250 mg oral DMAE (daily)
  1000 mg oral Ginseng (daily)
I am a college student and being a drug advocate I decided to find a drug/herb that may inhance my performance in school, because after all that is all that really matters in school anyways is how you perform. I read up on many of the drugs/herbs and found out that DMAE was sold at natural food stores. So I called one for pricing and found it was only $10 for a bottle of 60 tablets. I figured it was worth a try.

To say the least I have been very happy with the performance of DMAE. Although some may think that this could be the placebo effect I assure you that it is not. My memory retention and cognitive reaction's seem to be much higher. I seem to be more focused (not to the extent of Ritalin or Adderall) but still allows me to pay attention and retain my teachers boring ass lectures. I intake 250mg of DMAE a day in combination with 1000mg of Siberian Ginseng. Although the Ginseng may be (probably) is what is helping me pay attention better, I betlieve it is a compound effect with the two.

I have been taking DMAE for some time now and it does seem to help improve memmory somewhat. It has had some interesting effects that weren't expected but are good. For example DMAE seems to work as a anti-depressant for me, it always seems to put me in more cheerful moods. As for DMAE helping memmory retention I can't say, it seems like it has but it seems to help with cognitive functions moreover. For example, my cognitive functions seem more responsive, such as being way more alert and say if I dropped something and tried to catch it my reaction time seems to be increased quite a bit.

As a side note I have tried Ginko Bilobo before and was not happy with the effects. Although Ritalin has produced better results than the combination of the above, I do not have ready access to Ritalin and don't want develop a psychological dependence on it either. I hope this information has helped you in your decision and thank you for taking your time to read this.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 20893
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 28, 2004Views: 26,207
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DMAE (151) : School (35), Combinations (3), General (1)

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