Gainsville Shrooms Are Insane
by Brad
Citation:   Brad. "Gainsville Shrooms Are Insane: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp21413)". Feb 8, 2023.

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1/2 lb oral Mushrooms (fresh)
The craziest trip I have ever had was when my friend Jason, my brother and I, took a trip down to Gainsville FL. We took a hike down a trial that seemed like miles, but then we got to the field and there they were. The nicest, biggest and best shrooms you could get. We started picking for only about 45 minutes to and hour and had a lil over a pound of shrooms, so we decided to drive back home.

We got to the apartment and layed the shrooms out on some new paper and fell asleep for a couple hours to get ready to trip balls. Around 7 p.m. Jason and I started to chow down, I was laughing like this was gonna be fun. Well my brother decided to eat a couple but Jason and I inhaled the whole pound, half for Jason and half for myself, for me that was a bad idea.

About an hour passed by and we started to get trails, and I was laughing at everything that happened. So then we decided to take a ride. We get in the car and Jason looks at me as we are going up and overpass and says ready to go to the moon Brad, and there it started to hit me, I was trippin. I started to trip hard and we went back to the apartment cause I new it wasn't safe.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
We got back to the apartment and it really started to hit me hard, that's when I started to lose it. Jason was laying on the ground with a drumstick in his hand thinking it was a gun and he was hunting a snake which was my sock on the floor. I was sitting in a couch shaking about to go insane. All I knew was I was gonna die cause I ate a half pound of shrooms. Things then started to get scary.

What really wigged me out was when Jason turned off all the lights and I lost it. I ran outside yelling for my brother to come back and then I tried to gag myself which freaked me out. I run back inside asking someone to please come back inside. Then I get back inside and my brother's friend gets there and tries to get me out of my bad trip. So he put the two ceramic shrooms that I had on the table in front of me and they broke apart and started dancing around the table singing like little kids.
So he put the two ceramic shrooms that I had on the table in front of me and they broke apart and started dancing around the table singing like little kids.
I was only part of the way into the trip.

The ceiling started to come down and shit was moving. I could feel someone behind me the whole time, but there was no one there. I couldn't even think straight, I was like retarded. I just kinda laughed at everything.

Time passed and I could only think about when it was gonna end. Nine hours pass and I'm still trippin. There was no end to it, the trip just kept on coming and coming. I tried to go lay down but all I could do was lay there in the room by myself looking at the wall, and faces would pop out and scare the shit out of me. So I decided to just go to my dad's house and then everything was okay. I guess since I had someone with me that wasn't trippin.

I shouldn't of gone to my dad's cause as soon as I got there I wanted to go back with my brother and Jason. But shit happens and I am just glad that it finally ended. But I haven't ate shrooms since and I don't think I ever again. HA, doubt that one.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21413
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2023Views: 65
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Bad Trips (6), General (1)

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