This Is the End
Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
Citation:   Xtyedye. "This Is the End: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis (exp21793)". Apr 9, 2021.

  insufflated Mushrooms (ground / crushed)
    oral Mushrooms (dried)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
First off let me say that mushrooms are hard to find where I live in Oklahoma. So I made a road trip to Texas to pick up some. I'm 21 years old and have experminted with x, mushrooms, coke, speed, pharms of all kinds, lsd, dxm, and smoke marijuana daily. So enough about me, I meet with a friend named s and we then picked up the shrooms. They were 70 dollars for 7 grams(but worth it) We then met with a bunch of people at the hotel that I had rented there were 5 of us in all. Well I dumped the bag of mushrooms out on the table and there was a little bit of shake. I made it in a line and for some reason unknown to me I rolled up a dollar and took the mushroom line up my nose. About 5 minutes and I was already begining my journey, then I ate 2 caps and a stem. After about 30 min I was in the wonderful world of shroom heaven. The giggling, goofy everything is so beutiful phase. Amazing CEV that looked like 30 cartoon mushrooms dancing around. Like in Dumbo when the mouse is drunk. That lasted until 3 hours later when my friend came though with a 1/8 of kind bud.(that was 50 bucks) He showed it to me and I rolled it to a joint. Everyone in the room was like you just rolled 50 dollars of weed into one joint?? I wanted to get high on the good weed so I didn't see a problem. When I lit it up this one guy called t kept bothering me about the fact that I had rolled it up. Well this put my trip downhill because of the bad vibes. After about a hour t left and everything was better from there. My word of advice is when doing mushrooms do then alone or with 1 other person.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21793
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 9, 2021Views: 584
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Cannabis (1), Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Unknown Context (20), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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