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Psychotic Cartoon Cheerleaders With Pompoms
Citation:   r45eh6. "Psychotic Cartoon Cheerleaders With Pompoms: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp21802)". Apr 24, 2018.

  repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
  2 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I do mushrooms about once a year. Recently I came across some and after an evening out with my significant other (approx. 6 drinks each over 4 hours) we blithely agreed to drop some shrooms at home.

Approx. 9:00pm we chew up our doses.

9:45pm we both note a feeling of coming up.

10:15 I say oh shit here it comes, better go lay down...

We giggle up the stairs and get into bed. The shrooms hit hard, with intense geometric cartoon neon colored patterns for CEVs, and a gradual transformation of the room into a stalactite filled sparkling cave with constant shifting of color.

approx 10:45 I am so immersed in the experience that it is becoming terrifying. We hug but I feel our limbs going through each other. The blankets have been transformed into air filled velvety billowing pillows. I shut my eyes again and am overwhelmed as psychotic cartoon mechanical cheeleaders with pompoms descend upon me and begin systematically tearing me to pieces. I hold on for dear life for what seems like a few seconds, but actually turns out to be about 20 minutes.

11:20 I've hit a plateau and even though the visuals are still very strong, I understand once again that this is just a drug. We lay in bed for 30 more minutes and I tell her I can feel an orgasm coming on. And I feel it too, not in the genitals, but in fibre of my body. It spreads from inside out and I begin to shake and there is a beautiful flash of brilliant light in my head. I am in total ecstacy. I recover and this happens again minutes later.

11:47 I manage to stumble down the stairs, falling on my butt one time and laughing at myself, into the kitchen. My s/o follows and we marvel at the time, thinking that surely it must be closer to 1am.

I go to the bathroom and the colors are dripping and everything is crawling, morphing, with yellow and orange being the predominant color themes. I successfully avoid the mirror!

approx. 1am, s/o actually manages to fall asleep. I however am bursting with energy, coming down nicely though. I go into the kitchen and dance by candlelight to my favorite music.

I felt like a 12 year old on a summer day again... it was gorgeous but bittersweet, knowing that my inner child will always clash with the world of adults.

Overall, really quite a wonderful experience, but it reminded me of how powerful mushrooms can be (intensely visual) and the need to be a little more careful about planning these events beforehand.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21802
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 24, 2018Views: 644
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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