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What I Figured Out
Citation:   Candorf. "What I Figured Out: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp22004)". Apr 8, 2018.

3 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
This was my first time trying any sort of psycoactive drug, aside from caffiene, and I had high hopes for what I would experience. My boyfriend is experienced in this kind of thing, so he suggested we go somewhere away from various annoyances, and people who could make it a bad experience for me. They were pretty strong, even though they were mostly cap. About half an hour after I ate them, (on an empty stomach) I started feeling my mind moving a little quicker, and I found it extremely difficult to stop talking to my boyfriend about what I was seeing. I remember my state of mind being very happy and I felt a sensation of almost childlike innocence and curiosity. A lot of things that I saw, I now realize, were things I had already thought of in the past, but only existed as ideas, and the substance was actually making them visible through my eyes. I felt like everything that had a form deserved respect, like snow, trees, clothes, and shoelaces. After about 1 1/2 hours, the intense hallucinations really slowed down, and I began to feel very mellow, which I enjoyed, and everything was just groovy. I would definitely consider doing them again in the future.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22004
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 8, 2018Views: 863
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