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We Have Tried Everything
Mushrooms & Headaches
Citation:   Melissa and MIke. "We Have Tried Everything: An Experience with Mushrooms & Headaches (exp22060)". Jul 23, 2007.

  sublingual Mushrooms
March 12, 2003

My husband Mike has suffered from CS for 10 years. They last 6 weeks. This last episode was different, we are on our 10th week. Due to the changes in this episode, we moved from the normal imitrex and cafergot to vicodan, topamax, midrin, prednisone, the new axert and a few others. The oxygen was used with all these medications but the pain was the worst it had been in years. After seeing this website and researching all we could find about the effects of psilocybin, we decided that it was worth a try.

When Mike's headache's hit. His nose will start running, and there is a high amount of histamine that expels. At the onset of Mike's headache, we put one under his tounge as suggested. Within 10 minutes, the pain was dull. He said that he could still feel the 'heat' and the 'pulse' and all the 'sign's' from his head but there was no pain. Also, his nose did not run and the pressure from his head was less. He took about 5 more and about an hour later, he said his legs felt weak and he felt 'funkey' but he was feeling NO PAIN!

Mike fell asleep and within 45 minutes he was in REM mode. He started to make the same noise's he typically does when he is about to wake with a headache. I am more than happy to report he did wake up but instead of crying, cussing and reaching for the oxygen. He had a 'laughing attack' for 30 minutes. That night, he slept from 1:30am (after the 'laughing attack') until 7:30am without waking. It was the first time I had heard him snore in 10 weeks. He woke up feeling 'fantastic'. He felt the
'shadow' but still NO PAIN!!!!

Since then, only three small managable attacks while sleeping. For those, we just cut a small amount and he swallows it with water. They are gone within 15 minutes. Thank you to Flash, all the people who have contributed their experience and to Erowid for making this information available. We have finally found hope and happiness after 10 years of hell!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22060
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 23, 2007Views: 12,637
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Mushrooms (39), Migraines (154) : Second Hand Report (42), Health Benefits (32), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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