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More Therapeutic Than Recreational This Time
Citation:   Professor Chaos. "More Therapeutic Than Recreational This Time: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp22439)". Oct 2, 2007.

3.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
So I decided to do shrooms alone for the first time. This was my sixth time doing them overrall. I did them around noon. I chopped up a cap and mixed in with a little stir-fry, and ate two fat stems, which I washed down with tea. Having done these particular shrooms before (I do not no the name), I knew they were quite potent and I was guaranteed an opening experience having waited about a week before I did them last.

Needless to say, this was probably one of my most interesting trips, although I must admit it will be my last, at least for a few years. I noticed the familiar rush of heat to my body and face as they were beginning to take effect after half an hour or so. I knew I began to see the visuals when I looked up at my ceiling. The popcorn ceiling does not lie. I see shadows, relflections, vibrant colors, and 2-D images hovering over everything. The trip was quite pleasant so far. I should also mention that I did smoke a couple bowls of chronic prior to ingesting the mushrooms.

Anyways, things started to take an obvious turn for the worse momentarily. This was about an hour to and hour and a half into the experience. I began to notice these little red circle patterns that were on 'everything', including, my own skin. For some reason this upset me, and I became somewhat frustrated. I'm not sure, but it almost seemed that the particular color of red was what upsetting me. Then the bad thoughts started to come. I realized that I was alone and now wanted company. I wanted to go drive around, but I convinced myself not too, understanding that it was too dangerous. I kept thinking how awful my life was and how I didn't know what to do with myself. Then I just wanted the shrooms to wear off. This was about two hours into the trip.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Then I finally came to grips with everything. I realized that I should just accept the shrooms, enjoy what they can bring, and wait till the wear off. I watched Saturday Night Live, which definitely helped out. Phil Hartman was the host and it was a very funny episode. I didn't want to smoke any more weed yet. I just chilled out and watched TV, but the visuals were still very present. Then finally around 4:00 pm I felt I was almost ready to drive and get something to eat. But first I smoked, which only brought the visuals back, but I was no longer so disoriented and was in control completely. So I drove even though I was still kind of seeing things, but I drove fine and driving seemed like a video game. I got back and ate, but visuals were still present.

Then I realized so many things. I didn't like where I was at in my life and knew I had to move back home. I'm still smoking weed, but no longer shrooms. I now believe that shrooms sort of show truth in everything. It took shrooms to make me realize I didn't need them anymore. They were definitely more therapeutic then recreational this time. I now am looking forward to things, which I haven't done in a long time. Doing mushrooms alone, which can be more unpleasant, can also be more rewarding and often a slap in the face with reality through the unreal.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22439
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 2, 2007Views: 6,507
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Alone (16)

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