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Herbal Journies
Poppies (California Poppy)
Citation:   Boyardee. "Herbal Journies: An Experience with Poppies (California Poppy) (exp22646)". Jun 11, 2003.

    Poppies - Opium
I have recently been experimenting with several medicinal herbs. If you ask me, I think people give herbs a bad rap mostly because they don't obtain quality herbs. People who find herbs useless probably bought some stuff that’s been sitting on the shelf forever. To acquire quality herbs, I would recommend finding a local herb/witch shop or check out ebay for some good deals. (I found awesome valerian and kava off ebay for dirt-cheap). The main thing to remember is not to expect too much or overdo it.

A newfound ally of mine is the California poppy. Due to a lack of CA poppy reports, I thought I'd post my experience with this plant. Related to the opium poppy, though it contains no opiates, the CA poppy has an analgesic and sedative effect. I obtained an ounce from a local herb shop and whipped up a cup of tea consisting of 2 tsp. German chamomile and 1 tsp. CA poppy, which I enjoyed. It gave a spacey and stoned effect, similar to a mixture of marijuana and a little codeine, yet unique. I then proceeded to make an extract with isopropyl alcohol, resulting in a vegetative matter similar to kif, but darker. I threw this on a bowl of MJ and the effects were quite pleasant. It was comparable to the tea, but stronger and it actually didn't taste all that bad. I had heard some people used CA poppy for easing opiate withdrawlas and I see how it could help.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22646
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 11, 2003Views: 32,570
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Poppies - Opium (43) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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