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Shit My Pants!!!
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Silversoul. "Shit My Pants!!!: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp24066)". Jan 25, 2021.

5 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
I recently had my first Level 5 trip. It will probably be my last. I learned a hell of a lot, and don't regret it one bit, but it was intense enough that I don't think I'll feel like doing it again any time soon.

I didn't exactly choose the best time to take this trip. My grandparents were visiting from out of town for the weekend, and my family was having a High School Graduation party for my little brother. Nevertheless, after the party ended around 10:30pm, I decided to go to my room and ingest the 5 dried grams of Psilocybe Cubensis that I had bought a couple days earlier.

Just as I started tripping. It was my dad telling me that my grandparents were leaving and it was time to say goodbye to them. I somehow managed to do this, though they looked really wierd and colorful. My mom then gave me my bedspread which she had just washed and dried.

Anyway, I went back to my room and continued tripping. Around 11:30, I started peaking. I experienced total ego death, and forgot that I was an individual person with a consciousness and emotions and that I was tripping. I experienced God, the universe, and nothingness. I felt reality fading away into an empty void. I felt my skin bubbling up under the surface and I felt like some cosmic force was taking control of my body.

Just then, I shit pants. I'm not proud of it, but at the time, it didn't really matter to me. When you're in a time warp and the universe is collapsing upon itself and your skin is bubbling up, you don't tend to care that much about soiled pants. Anyway, it gets even more disgusting: Somehow I also got shit on the floor and the walls. I also broke my blacklight. Looking back on it, I feel like that cosmic force that took control of my body was Shiva, the destroyer.

Around 4:00am, I started coming back to consensus reality. I looked around at the mess I made, but rather than groan, I simply laughed. I was just grateful to be living in this reality. I was greatful to be alive. I swore not to take anything for granted again, and not to take life too seriously. I had to take a shower, light a ton of incense, and clean up the most unbelievable mess I'd ever made, but it didn't matter. I had found the key to happiness.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24066
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 25, 2021Views: 769
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Various (28)

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