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Improved Infusion
Damiana, Skullcap & Catnip
Citation:   Gatsby. "Improved Infusion: An Experience with Damiana, Skullcap & Catnip (exp24359)". Apr 4, 2007.

  oral Damiana (tea)
    oral Skullcap (tea)
    oral Catnip (tea)
I tried making herbal infusions in the past. I'd usually make them as I'd make a tea. I'd just add boiling water to the mixture. Recently, I spoke with a japanese restaurant worker. He said the japanese never serve green tea hot, just warm. He said that using water that is too hot will destroy some of the molecules in the drink. So, I tried making an infusion his way. I used water which was heated so that I could dunk my finger in it quickly, and not be burned. I put damiana, scullcap, and catnip into a french press. Then I added the water, and let it sit until the liquid became dark, stirring frequently. I added honey, and drank it. The taste was pleasant, but strong. I became relaxed, and somewhat tired. I smoked a cigarette afterwards, and it tasted nasty. The drink left an organic, vegetable taste in my mouth. This didn't go well with the smoke. I think a menthol might have been better. Next time, I think I might add kava to the drink.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24359
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 4, 2007Views: 20,312
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Damiana (107), Skullcap (232), Catnip (68) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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