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2nd Encounter with Psychedelia
Mushrooms (P. cubensis)
Citation:   Andy.V. "2nd Encounter with Psychedelia: An Experience with Mushrooms (P. cubensis) (exp24390)". Jun 9, 2003.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
My 1st encounter with psychedelia was not drug induced, it was lucid dream (i classify it in psychedelism because of its non-normal environnement). But, i did not knew how to define psychedelia until i took shrooms. I've done other drugs before, like weed, ether, alcool, xtc (MDMA isn't a psychedelic for me). I've done mushrooms a few times before this, but never feel any effects (as my other friends was feeling them).

Liège.Belgium.End of June. I'm 18. This was the end of my exam sessions and i planned on scoring some shroomz with some of my mates. So, after the exam, we went to Maastricht, Netherlands (which is near Liège, Belgium).

Because we bought several amounts of shrooms and were friendly, the nice merchant give us some additional mexican shrooms. We also bought some weed (White Widow as i remember, but i'm not sure).

When we came back in Liège, we changed our minds and decided to separate us (boys with boys and girls with girls). That evening i was sleeping at T's house, and his parents were out. We first smoke a big-sized joint, then we ate the dried shrooms (it was a 4 persons portion) plus some mexicans (cubensis, too, i think). They kicked quickly and i started to feel VERY light, and it began to grow in intensity, then i get really scared because i though i wasn't in reality and everything i lived in my life has been an illusion, so i really freaked out. T tried to calm me down but i didn't want to believe him because he wasn't real. After a while, i entered in a good trip and all really became fantastic. I think the quick mental-state modification was the real cause of that panic attack.

I saw everything like if i was wearing some alien 3D glasses with a wide angle. Everything was living. I remember staring at the flame of a candle and it multiplied backward, and as i stared more and more precisely at the end of the 'copies', i realize that these copies, from a certain angle, was forming a kind of 'night street scene'...pretty weird...
I became also aware that the notion of time was obsolete.

And, when i closed my eyes, i could see some dancing patterns, alterning or morphing with strange images. Music was essential, because it defined the color of the trip. I thought music was 'tasting' like sugar, but later after the trip i remember we ate shrooms with some sugar (due to the taste).

This was a very intense trip and a big one for a real 1st trip.
I also had weird conversations with T, for example, i looked at him and saw that something was wrong in his face and i said him something like 'i know what's happening to you, don't worry, all it's fine'. Or we talked about brain structure. I really liked the experience and i've done a couple of other ones, now; every experience is different and mind expanding/glowing. I had other bad trips but i think they are very useful in the understanding of ourselves. I've also tried LSD and i strangely never had any bad trips with it.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 24390
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 9, 2003Views: 8,427
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Difficult Experiences (5), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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