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Beyond Poisonous
Citation:   Doneshroomin'. "Beyond Poisonous: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp25101)". Jun 28, 2021.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Last summer, I ate (up to) quarters of shrooms on a regular basis and frequently dried them in my apartment. I went picking a few times last month with satisfactory results and trips. Last night, however, my friend bought 2 eighths and brought them over. I didn't know where they had come from but looked over every one and popped them after pulling out two caps (we each had an 1/8). My friend made a smoothie and drank it down about one half hour later. I immediately felt very sick and tried to not 'let myself go' about 2 and a half hours later, we were watching Billy Madison and having the most intense visuals I've experienced. I felt like my head might fall through my shoulders and hips leaving all my bones in a pile on the ground; I was weak and felt nauseous again.
I felt like my head might fall through my shoulders and hips leaving all my bones in a pile on the ground; I was weak and felt nauseous again.
My friend said he felt sick and while peeing nearly shit in his pants. I thought that I needed fresh air and stood up, but had to make a detour to the toilet to begin what would become 2-3 hours of the most violent vomiting of my life. I would think, that has to be it, I can't get sick again. 30 minutes later, with wet paper towels on my face to calm and cool me down, I was once again running to the bathroom to puke. My friend was on the porch experiencing the same thing while I threw up for the third time, but he only got sick that one time (thank God). He had been able to hit the bong, something I always do when I 'shroom, but I had felt too ill. I knew it wasn't the dosage making me sick which scared me. I had horrible thoughts and was shaking and crying (I think because of dehydration at this point). The only pill I'd taken yesterday was my birth control. I had a few drinks at dinner with my dad, which wouldn't cause this either. We were scared but had to remain calm. It was as though we needed a babysitter, a feeling I've never had on mushrooms before (maybe a ride, but not a caretaker).

This experience makes me doubt I will ever eat them again. I have had many good experiences. This one, however, makes me nervous for my well-being. If I can't identify the right 'shrooms, I fear very few people can. There are a few guys around here (Central Florida) who I do trust, but I really see no point in doing this to myself again (or even risking it for a few hours of 'fun'). It was the sickest I've ever been, only comparable to the discovery of my ulcer last year.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25101
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 28, 2021Views: 715
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Mushrooms (39) : Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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