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Citation:   Starfish. "Morningstar: An Experience with Catnip (exp25787)". Apr 11, 2011.

1 cig. smoked Catnip (plant material)
Mindset/setting: Optimistic/My basement with my cats
Previous experience: I'd smoked catnip a few times to no great effect. Catnip tea helps relax me, and I drink a few cups about once a week.

I've been searching for legal highs for a while since I can’t get anything real right now, and have been trying to get a reaction from catnip joints for a while. I had been using that cosmic stuff, which I hear is actually pretty good, but it was 3 years old and undoubtably stale. So, in an effort to get some stronger catnip, I decided to grow it in my mother's garden. Today I took some of the catnip that I had dried and mixed it with some cosmic stuff I had left over. The mix was about 2/3 home grown catnip, 1/3 cosmic. I proceeded to make a truly monstrous joint, I mean it had to be 3/4 of an inch thick and about four inches long, no joke. I tested some catnip on one of my cats, and was pleased to note that with two whiffs, he was tripping, and after eating a stem, he was frying like a pancake.

So, at 11:15 I go down into my basement (where I always smoke stuff) and lit up this big fat joint.

11:20 No effect, about 1/3 gone.

11:22 I'm actually feeling something. I've never got anything with Catnip before, but I think the size and potency of this catnip is helping out.

11:25 Eh, this is definitely something. I feel a bit relaxed, a bit like I do after a cup of catnip tea. The joint is getting small.

11:27 Gotta put down the joint or I’ll burn my fingers. I feel relaxed, and I want to unfocus my eyes. I turn off the light and listen to some AFI, specifically their slow song 'Morningstar'. I stare up at the ceiling, then at the walls. Now the weird thing here is that if I close my eyes, those little colored dots I see seem much brighter. They're certainly not CEVs, but they're not what they usually are. I think whatever this is, and a catnip high is very hard to put my finger on, is peaking. By staring at one of my cats toys on the floor and relaxing my eyes, I can make the floor and the toy blend together a bit. The toy seems to get darker to match the surrounding floor and the floor seems to get lighter to match the color of the toy. I move my eyes a bit and this stops, though I repeated it again. I notice that my vision seems a tad bit behind the movement of my eyes, but this is VERY slight, might even be placebo.

Around 11:30 I'm coming down, and I'm even more relaxed than before. I stare off into space, listnin to Morningstar again.

11:37 I get up and turn on the lights. Nothing now, it seems like I've come down completely, tho I'm still more relaxed than I was when I began.

After all this I'm pleased, but wondering what the hell just hapened. I've never heard of this before happening with catnip. I'm off to have a big fat cup of catnip tea, so goodnight!


Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25787
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 11, 2011Views: 8,963
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