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Blighted With This Problem
Citation:   'Bagpuss'. "Blighted With This Problem: An Experience with Caffeine (exp26759)". Jun 11, 2018.

  repeated oral Tea (daily)
Caffeine Addiction

I drink two large mugs of tea each morning to get me started. Many mornings I awake very early with headache, so I take paracetomol with added caffeine. This gives me a buzz and wakes me up, clears the headache - gets my bowels going and I can think clear, be creative and sense euphoria. I have a good day, feeling fine.

However, many days I have a 'dull head' and no amount of tea, paracetomol or chocolate will get rid of it. I have to 'ride it' for the day - the 'fuzzy head' only going towards the end of the day. The only solution is a conscious effort to get rest and try to get bed early. I never sleep well. my wife sleeps in another room due to my restlessness and snoring.

I am aware that I am in trouble with this but every time I try to withdraw from the caffeine I get severe headaches - even migraine. I am looking for a solution. I am starting by only having the caffeine in the morning and soft drinks or de-caffienated tea during the day.

I hope it works. My life is blighted with this problem now.

[Reported Dose: "7-8 cups tea a day + paracetomol 'extra' "]

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26759
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 11, 2018Views: 1,738
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Tea (447), Caffeine (11) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Hangover / Days After (46), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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