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Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Hrethic. "Amazing: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp30600)". Jun 11, 2007.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
Well I ate an 1/8th of mushrooms on Saturday (3 caps, 8 medium sized stems, all completely dried). Absolutely beautiful experience. The only thing I didn’t like was being around other people, as strange as that sounds. Trying to make conversation really detracts from the high of it all, at least for me. Next time, hopefully this next Friday or Saturday I’ll be tripping half an 1/8th with K, and we won’t try and talk so much because he’ll be seeing the same shit that I will.

I bought them with the intention of splitting them with K, but after some inner debate, I decided I wanted a truly unique experience, because I had just had a really bad acting audition. I know that supposedly taking psychedelics after a bad experience is a bad thing to do, but I’ve done it now more than once, with X and shrooms after my I broke up with my girlfriend, and it always makes my day, and life better, not worse. I did get a little freaked out at the onset, about 30 minutes after I ate the first cap, but that wasn’t because of my life, it was because I had never taken so much before. My last experience had only been with .75 grams wet after taking X 5 hours earlier, and my largest single dose aside from this was my first time tripping, which was not an 1/8th but a lot of shrooms. They were 100% fresh, and my friend and I had never taken them before and didn’t have a scale, so we just downed some. I consider myself very sound of mind, but I’d never taken this much before, and the coming up was very strong. I simply put on some music and waited for the anxiousness to subside. And when it did…oh boy.

Truly beautiful. I remember coming up, after the anxiousness but before the peak, maybe 35-45 minutes after taking the first of them, things started to get wacky. I would simply focus in on the ground, and the pattern that is inherently in it popped out. They then started to creep towards me. The amazing thing was the more I would focus and comprehend what was happening, the clearer it would be. This was all in front of my sink. A little later, right before K and some people came in that I didn't know too well, I looked over to the floor in front of my computer, and it was almost 3 dimensional. At certain points it was, and it was moving, and I know if I would have stared longer as my hallucination got stronger, it would have been full blown.

When K and all of them were in my room, the room itself started to take on a patterned like feel. I could look up at the ceiling or the walls, and they have patterns of lines and shapes curving and transversing through them. Not moving a hell of a lot, but they were there and they were distracting. I can honestly say now that I don’t want to trip with other people that aren’t on the same drug. They ask too many questions, which my mind can’t handle when it’s being bombarded with so much other sensory info. Even after an 1/8th I could still keep up with the conversations and what was happening around me, I would just rather not. It’s a matter of choice, not force. Everyone except K and T left, and we decided to go outside.

So outside was one of the more beautiful things I’ve ever seen. When I would look across the campus, it was snowing, and aside from being able to individually see every snowflake, the clouds/sky behind the trees in the Quad was glowing a dull greenish/bluish. When I would look up into the sky and to the moon, the clouds took on a morphed green shape, and when I would focus on the moon, the clouds would slowly circle back and forth around it. Every time I would look at a tree, they would morph and move and almost dance. Perfectly fluid motion, no stops or jitters, just like it was alive and meant to do it.

The true hallucinations didn’t start until I noticed people’s faces and the general color of things shift. Faces were now a yellowish haze, but I could still perfectly see people’s faces. By this time, I think we were in King Hall, and I was talking with N about tripping. He apparently likes to too, which is awesome. He seems to be very down to Earth, and asked me how much I took. He seemed to be shocked that I took so much and regained composure. He told me about the “newbies” trying a bunch and freaking out, and I replied that I’ve done it on many an occasion, and loved it. After this I looked to the left, and aside from things generally jumping up and down from the walls and stuff, I could see the familiar double vision of Aztec like patterns. This time, however, it was much much more pronounced.

I could actually see across all of my vision these very intricate patterns of lines and circles. It wasn’t moving, but it was always there and would sometimes turn fully 3 dimensional and pop out of a wall or the floor, or out of K's face. A really REALLY cool effect, as he was smiling at the time. When I would close my eyes, which I didn’t do much because I’m sure people would think I was wigging out or something, but when I did the visuals were intense. At certain points I can’t remember what I saw, but once, right after seeing the amazing double-visioned patterns, I closed my eyes and all I saw were circles flying through my vision, some colored, some not, leaving tracers of other circles in their wake. I wish I would have been alone for that; I could have stared at those for hours.

Yet another amazing point in the trip was going outside to the post office with K and J. For the record, he took 1.75 grams, but was already almost completely down. We walked outside, and as they continued walking down the path, the snow on the rail caught my eye. I knew that they continued walking, and I knew that they would make a big deal of it, but it was just too beautiful to pass up. I could see, intermingled in the snow, beautiful patterns and sparkles popping in and out, and a general sense of fluidity on the surface. When we came in and sat in my dorms lobby, just a little room the exact same size as a dorm (it actually was a dorm, but we used it as the lobby this year) K made some pop corn or kettle corn or something he got from my room.

When I sat down and started to let it really hit me, that’s when things got crazy for the first time. Not crazy in a bad way, just crazy in an almost overpowering way. I wanted to look at it so much, that I didn’t care what was happening around me. I remember K was throwing popcorn at me, which was really cool, because it would leave his hand, disappear, then hit me and reappear. But the best part of that room was looking up at the ceiling. There are already tiny holes and dots in all the ceiling tile on my floor, all shaped and sized differently, but on shrooms it’s taken to another level. As soon as I would focus on one, everything around me would start melding and morphing together. The dots and lines on the ceiling would start dancing with each other, mixing and matching with the ones near it.

The best part, matching the intensity and enjoyment of the visuals, was the body high. When I was in a good situation, whenever I was with K alone, or K and T: not really having to make conversation that tasked my mind in other words, I would feel a body high that not only surpassed X, but gave me a truly joyous, good feeling. It surpassed X because I was not only seeing heavy visuals, but my sensory input was starting to get distorted, my fingers and body in general were all out of wack, but in a wonderful way.

Another important event in relation to the body high was when I was walking down a flight of stairs with my then 5 layers of clothes on. For one, it felt like my body was about 3 times it’s normal size, but as I descended the stair way I started to press against the right side of the wall. About half way down, really concentrating on that feeling, I felt my arm go through all my clothing and through the wall. It almost threw me off balance, but because I didn’t actually pass through matter, the wall supported me as I went down the rest of the way. This was the first time that I had a body trip, which I didn’t think happened on shrooms. I’m accustomed now to the body high, but not body tripping.

The night ended with one more beautiful, if extra long walk through the Quad looking at the glowing sky and falling snow, then finally crashing out in my room as the drug left my system. The amazing thing is however, that if you figure (and this is for me alone) that it takes about a 50 oz. of beer to get me drunk, and it takes .75 grams for me to trip, then the equivalent beer intake of taking 3.5 grams of shrooms (an 1/8th) is 282 oz’s. That’s a little over 7 40’s (40 ounces of beer), which would, I’m sure, kill me, considering I drank 2 quickly and puked for an hour. But the amazing thing is, that the next morning, after sleeping only 7 or 8 hours, I felt perfect. Refreshed, energized, and ready for the dance audition I had in the following three hours. And just let the record show, I got a call back :-D.

There was much more to the trip than I have said, those are only the events and emotions that truly hit home. It was an amazing journey into another world, created by my mind and altered and developed by the mushrooms. I would never advocate doing an 1/8th for the first trip, but once you work yourself up to it or more, I think you will find that this world, and your mind, truly has something magical to offer.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30600
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 11, 2007Views: 4,652
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Various (28), General (1)

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