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Hard to Grasp Center of Gravity
Citation:   proliferate. "Hard to Grasp Center of Gravity: An Experience with Amanitas (exp31882)". Apr 4, 2019.

T+ 0:00
2.5 caps oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 0:00 1000 mg oral Vitamin C (capsule)
  T+ 2:00 1 cap oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 3:30 1.5 caps oral Mushrooms (dried)
Amanitas in Waiting

Through the internet I received some Siberian amanitas. They were about 1.5 cm in diameter (cap size). Eagerly, I awaited til the next morning for a test trial so I could determine a good dosage for my magical venture.

Setting: morning 8:30am (I wake up early) chewed 2.5 caps. Got thirsty afterwards so I got a glass of OJ and took a 1000mg capsule of vitamin C like I normally do. Cleaned up the house and washed the dishes. Thought about some cereal then decided to wait on it.

1 hour later: Felt a slight change in perception. Slightly blurry vision. Started getting hard to grasp center of gravity. Not too bad. A little wobbly but nothing I couldn't handle. Grabbed a blanket just for a little warmth... even though it's 25 degrees C in here...

2 hours later: No nausea, and TV starts getting boring. Start making cookies and it's pretty fun, esp. since my coordination seems a little off still. Chewed 1 more cap while watching cookies bake. Hoping for some visuals. Start staring at my textured walls... nothing.

3.5 hours later: Hmmm... a little tired but nothing outrageous is hitting me so I chew down 1.5 more caps. Getting hungry so I chowed on some cereal and soymilk. Listening to some triphop. Feel like dancing around so I do a little jig around the living room.

4 hours later: Effects are dying down and don't really feel like extending anymore. Feel very calm and relaxed.

Noting that I took some vitamin C with my first dosage, it may have affected the fact that my 'trip' was very gentle, which I didn't have a problem with. I wasn't looking to get too disoriented, but to get a sense of how my body would react to the amanitas. I have been taking a reprieve from the many drugs I took during my school days (pot, E, acid, shrooms, individually and in combination) and so it's been about 3 years since I've introduced any mind-altering substance into my body. So, in stating that, I just wanted a taste of what was to come. I'm thinking that I injested about a 1/4 cup of amanitas dried and they tasted fine to just chew. I'm not fond of shroom tea so that was out of the question.

Conclusion: Amanitas (as with any mind-altering substance) should be treated with caution to fully appreciate the effect they may have. A test trial, like I have done, has proven to be a good scale to go by. Considering the effects from this trial, I will decide to go with about 1/2 cup of dried amanitas next time, all at once. As for nausea, which is mentioned many times in other reports, I ate them with nothing in my stomach at the time and I believe that's the way to go with these. If hungry, I would wait a couple of hours after ingesting the mushrooms and then decide to eat something.

I am happy with the trial and will post my real venture with them soon! Happy trails!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31882
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 4, 2019Views: 836
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Amanitas (5) : General (1), Alone (16)

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