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Hand Gestures And Countless Eyes
Citation:   Sandman. "Hand Gestures And Countless Eyes: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp31945)". Erowid.org. Jun 16, 2007. erowid.org/exp/31945

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Set: Kind of flat but still pretty content.

Setting: My room, filled with countless psychedelic posters and little gadgets.

Preparations: Light meditation and anointing of my room with incense.

Previous Drug Use: One other shroom trip, weed, a couple different uppers and downers, morning glory seeds, DXM, and alcohol.

This experience took place yesterday (Monday night). I had just bought a 1/4 of shrooms from my neighbor and was going to wait until Wednesday to eat them since I'd have the house to myself and I don't have to go to school (teacher in-service.) Of course, I couldn't wait that long. So when 11 o'clock came and my parents were fast asleep I anointed my room with incense and split the quarter of shrooms in half and chomped on the vile stuff for about 5 minutes.

While I waited for the effects to come on, I reclined in my bed and watched Family Guy on Adult Swim. As I felt the tingling in my legs and the stomach cramps begin, I recollected on my previous trip a couple days earlier. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have taken another trip in such a short amount of time from my previous one, but what can I do now? I decided to make one last trip to the bathroom before the effects got any stronger, and then returned to my bed.

The first visuals made themselves known as the bending of different objects in my room. My bookshelves, TV, and dresser all bent into curved-looking objects. When the TV screen would go black I'd see little red and green sparks of electricity on the screen. The last visions I got before a long lull was that my dresser seemed to be very uneven looking. It looked as though it was jetted very far out from my wall, and that the panels were different sizes than normal.

That was it. The visions ended. Behind my eyes I saw nothing. All I had was the buzzing in my ears, and that was it. This caused very much disappointment for myself. This disappointment soon turned into a very pissed off feeling. I started to think that I should sell the other 1/8 and return to my search for LSD. It's almost impossible to get acid around here, and I'd practically kill for it.

Now VERY pissed, I took off my glasses and closed my eyes. Sure enough, I started to make out morphing patterns behind my eyes. YES! It wasn't a waste of a perfectly good 1/8 after all! Faint, but recognizable patterns started to align my eyelids. Kaleidoscopic images and odd female-faced spider people started to come into my vision. However, these soon passed and I re-opened my eyes. This is where I realized how much my thought process was altered.

I started to think about the different people I was friends with, and I realized that I was too judging of them. I was far too quick to point out their flaws, even though they were quite obvious and plentiful. I thought about my father, and how he was a pretty good dad, but a slacker none-the-less. I went on in this way for what seemed like hours, analyzing almost every aspect of my life and getting over a lot of the emotional shit that I was going through up until then. I don't want to go into detail, but it was tremendous therapy. I thought to myself 'Wow, now I get why psychedelic means of the mind. This is like Dr. Phil on acid!' I giggled with glee.

Then the trip went in an entirely different direction. I suddenly just started making weird hand gestures that left funny shadows on the wall that faced the TV. I must've sat there for like 20 minutes just making hand gestures and rubbing the wall. Now I started to roll about my bed like a joyous kitten. Crawling under the covers, tossing the pillows, and letting my mind roam freely. I imagined black and white images of elongated people stretching and contorting their bodies. These images came to life behind my closed eyes. All the people lived in a funny town that was checkered black and white, with pointy buildings that reminded me of that hill in A Nightmare Before Christmas that Jack Skellington walked on as it stretched itself out for him to walk. I kept moving away from this alien city and began noticing all of the absurdly curved roads leading to this city, which was now miles away.

Opening my eyes once more, I was confronted by the wall that faces my TV screen, which was now covered in morphing images that looked like the background of those old Black Sabbath videos, only some-what fainter. Once more I began to play with my hands and casting shadows on the ever-changing wall. Overlapping the morphing images on my wall was a barrage of eyes. An endless number of eyes stared back at me. Not realistic eyes, but eyes that looked like they were drawn onto my wall and arms. Once more I found myself rubbing my wall and noticing its smooth texture.

Again I threw myself about my bed and began playing with my nose, lips, and face. I never realized how much fun playing with your own face could be. I did this for another 5 minutes or so, until I realized that it was nearly 3:30, and that school was going to be soon. What seemed like a mere minute after I closed my eyes, I was awoken by my mother. Getting out of bed I noticed unusual aftereffects. By unfocusing my eyes, I could see odd little things moving about everywhere. So I stayed home from school and slept all day.

What I thought was going to be a waste of perfectly good shrooms actually turned out to be quite a unique experience that focused mainly on the physical and mental aspects, opposed to the visuals. The way I looked at it then, and still look at it now, is that I decided that I wasn't just going to witness hallucinations, but become them; merge with them in one big orgasmic dance of physical contortions beneath the covers of my bed. I eagerly await my next trip, which will most likely be this weekend or next. All I can say about this trip was that I was liberated from my normal mental functioning and my normal physical behavior. And I wouldn't change this experience one bit...except maybe the nasty taste of those shrooms! ;)

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31945
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2007Views: 3,539
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