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Too Intense To Grow On Poop
Mushrooms - P. Cubensis & Cannabis
Citation:   Into The Abyss. "Too Intense To Grow On Poop: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. Cubensis & Cannabis (exp32297)". Nov 15, 2007.

5.0 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (plant material)
Let me start by saying that in all the numerous times I had consumed dried cubensis, nothing could prepare me for the journey I was about to embark...

It was a day like any other, smokin some pot hangin with friends when we decided to make it a day of eatin some fungus. My two friends, whom we will call Benswan and Kaneval, stated that they knew a new grower in west Seattle. At noon we made the 20 minute drive to downtown Seattle. When we met up with her we stated that we needed a half oz to piece, with the transaction of cash and psychoactives, she asked how much we were going to consume, we each smiled and said the whole bag. She then warned us that her friend ate 3 grams and still isn’t back to himself, of course we agreed to take less than that and with that we went back to prepare for our journey.

We decided to wake up the next morning and eat them because we had only eaten them before at night. The morning came swiftly with a slight mist, the sun pokin through the trees, and the alarm clock going off at 8:30am. Without even getting out of bed Benswan, Kaneval and Myself consumed the whole bag. This is on an empty stomach, with no water, and just Doritos to chase it down. As soon as I had finished the last of the blue stems I proceeded down stairs to tell the group that we should go get cigarettes. They all agreed and we proceeded up to the drive way of Benswans house.

At 8:55am I was already feeling the effects, dizzyness, nausea, the works. A feeling of anticipation came over me so swiftly, since I was partially still sleeping it took a moment for me to realize that I just ate the bluest bensis' I’ve ever seen. We finally got to the store trying to ignore the effects of the shrooms cuz everyone was in school and we were walkin around town at 9am. It just didn’t look right ya know. So I convinced Benswan and Kaneval that we should head back to his house, on the way back I noticed the dizzy drunken state as I was walkin on the side walk, vision started getting blurry and voices were more pronounced. A friend skippin class seen us and pulled over to give us a lift. He asks us why were drunk at 9 in the morning and we explained our situation and he dropped us off back at our 'safe house'.

Its now 9:25ish, and the feeling of nausea kept getting worse, vision was distorted and thoughts were deep and racing, all of the sudden I had to puke. I had never puked on shrooms. I walked over to the bushs to vomit, and the sight of me vomiting made Kaneval vomit. Benswan avoided looking for fear of vomiting too. I heaved up what I thought to be blood at first, turned out to be just nacho cheese chips. My vomiting lasted about 20 seconds, I told myself I was gonna be fine and that I wasn’t trippin anymore. I stood up to turn around and it hit me like a dump truck hittin a fat chick.

All of the sudden I got confused, not like a little confused, but like I needed to smoke a cigg but that made me feel sick, I needed to lay down, or maybe I should stand, maybe I should puke again, maybe these shrooms are poisonous, maybe I should eat some food, maybe I should go for a run....etc. The arsenal of thoughts flooded my brain so fast and dramatically that it stopped me stupid in my tracks. I immediately smoked a cigg and told Benswan that I needed to lay down upstairs. He said ok and that he would come up after he was done smoking. I caught a glimpse of the clock and it was about 9:55am. Horrible vibes of negative energy flooded into me makin me scared to talk, move or think straight.

I closed my eyes for a while while laying sprawled out in the leather chair, enjoying the colors and patters behind my eyelids. I decided to open them and see what I was missing. Instantly upon opening them the whole dim room started swirling and spinning in wild colors and ripples, all the shapes in the room seemed to blend together like a whirlpool. I was alone for this part and became very scared that I was stuck up here and was never gonna come down.

Then Kaneval came up blabbering somethin to me about how there’s like 5 people outside waiting for me. I notice the clock again and its about 10:30am. All colors and pictures looked as if they were on fire, flames shot a foot off of everything in the house, visuals close to LSD. I went down the stairs taking my time to admire the pictures on the walls morf and twist, and finally I come to the door and knock from the! My friend from high school opens it with the words, 'Wow what the fuck are you on?' I just looked at him and my other 'companions' and smiled and he remembered that we were shroomin.

I decided that I couldn’t handle everyone asking about how my trip was goin, not that I could explain it anyways, but I decided to just stop in mid sentence and go inside and go wake up Benswans sister. She woke up to me with flying saucer eyes and sweat drippin down my face, mumblin jibrish and staring. She asked what the fuck was wrong with me and I tried to tell her but couldn’t, she got scared and asked her brother who explained that we ate too much shrooms and we were all fryin too hard. She then calmed me down by talkin to me about funny stuff and gave me a cigg.

It was about 11:15 and my visuals were fading away, I still felt nauseated but not as much, thoughts were still racing and even putting my cigg out seemed hilarious. By now I could eat food and drink coffee, without gettin confused on what I was doin, I then decided to try and roll a joint and go out back and sit under the miniramp and smoke it with us 'explorers.' We finished our doobie and smoked another cigg. Only at this time could I explain all of what had happened an hour and a half ago. Kaneval said he felt the same experience, felt sick, puked, got too intense, got confused, got scared, smoked pot and was fine. Benswan too said it was too intense for him for about half an hour. The shrooms lasted throughout the day, on and off, wave after wave until the final one tapered away.

In all my experiences with Stellar Closed-Cap Cubensis, nothing had prepared me for the kamakazi poison in my system. Its not all just the mindstate your in but the expectations you have, that will determine your trip. This was a lesson to myself that if your over prepared you wont get as much out of a drug, but if your underprepared, and think your'll kick your ass!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32297
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 15, 2007Views: 6,118
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Difficult Experiences (5), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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