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Eye Problem
by Gili
Citation:   Gili. "Eye Problem: An Experience with Datura (exp32792)". Jun 23, 2007.

40 seeds oral Datura  
  50 seeds oral Datura (ground / crushed)
I'm not here to tell about the whole experience, which was kinda lame, though it had its nice parts, but it was nothing special, no hallucinations, it was just kinda like sleeping, and my body could barely move.

Never mind now.

I wanted to see if it will do anything if I smoke the seeds. So I crunched them and smoked it in 3 or 4 shots, I don't remember. Doesn't really matter. When I saw it doesn't do anything I swallowed 50 seeds and waited about an hour and then it started to work. First thing I noticed is the dry throat.

The problem in all that was the part when I smoked it. I completely forgot that it shouldn't touch the eyes. I guess some of the smoke got into my eyes and now something with my eyes is totally fucked up. Not something too bad, but it's really annoying.

Anything that comes 30cm or closer from my face will be just a blurred shape. If I put my hand in front of my face and look up it looks so weird, makes me feel like I'm on something...'cuz it's just weird...the lower part of my hand is blurred, then the fingers are really long comparing to the rest of it, and I have 10 fingers - something is totally fucked up there...

Strangely, my long distance vision got better I think....sick shit...

By the way, I did it yesterday, and my body's acting weird. My legs, arms, and the entire body just 'jumps' all of the sudden and I can't control it. This side effect is actually nice and pleasuring, 'cuz when it happens I feel some sort of high.

I just hope it's not something serious.

The weirdest thing about this experience is when today, still kinda high and confused from yesterday ( I don't remember going to sleep...), I saw my mom for less than a second, moving really fast, wearing a red shirt, and she looked like a ghost. She 'floated' a distance of one meter and disappeared. The weird part of it, is that a few minutes later she came out of my parents bed room, wearing a red shirt.

I thought maybe I saw her with that shirt earlier and that's why my brain came up with this color and created this image, so I asked her, and she said she didn't wear it earlier.

By the way - I had those seeds for about half a year so they are pretty weak.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32792
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 23, 2007Views: 2,026
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