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Works Fine ....When Awake
Calea zacatechichi
Citation:   hullabaloo. "Works Fine ....When Awake: An Experience with Calea zacatechichi (exp32876)". Erowid.org. Jun 28, 2004. erowid.org/exp/32876

1.0 g oral Calea zacatechichi (ground / crushed)
I first read about calea online, and for about 6 months now I’ve been working on lucid dreaming. So when I first read that this plant can increase chances of lucid dreams, I went crazy and bought some. I ordered the ounce, and after doing days of research, it seems that most people say capsules are the way to go. So when the package arrived, I crumbled the leaves and flowers into a very fine dust. In a period of about 4 hours I managed (with some help from friends) to fill 130 capsules (100 200mg caps, and 30 500mg). My starting dose on the first night was 5 small capsules, since 1g seemed to be about the right amount for a good trip. After about 20 minutes, the effects kicked in. Nothing really intense, but almost like a weed high, but my mind stayed intact. I could think and react normally, but my vison was sort of sharpened, and I had a few auditory hallucinations, like people chattering in my head, or foot steps or snaps, etc... But it did not make me tired like I expected.

So I was lying in my bed for about 1 hour before I went to sleep. But while I was in my bed, I could close my eyes and have really detailed visions and not side track off a certain vision like I usually do. I was really excited to have an intense dream. The next morning, I laid in bed and didnt move at all, like I always do (I remember my dreams if the only thing I do first thing in the morning is tell myself to remember the dream, its a good technique) but I laid there just telling myself to remember, and nothing came to mind, not even a simple fragment of the dream, nada. I was very disappointed, I never have problems remembering dreams in the morning, this really frustrated me.

The next night I took the same dose, but that time I actually got tired and fell asleep 10 minutes after taking it. All the effects were pretty much the same, focused and sharpened visions, auditory hallucinations, and detailed closed eye visuals. It was the exact same story this time, I woke up and didnt move and tried to remember what my dreams were, but nothing came to mind. Oh and by the way, every morning after waking up from taking calea I was exhausted, my alarm would ring for minutes before I woke up, and I had very little energy in the morning. So last night I took 7 capsules, in hope that a higher dose would increase the effects, nope, same story. So I plan on making a joint of the stuff sometime soon, maybe different methods would work better. As a last resort I might make a tea, but I doubt it. Overall im pretty disappointed, since all I wanted from this plant was intense dreams, and thats exactly what I didnt get.

I've read a few reports with pretty much the same problem as me with this plant, so I know I'm not alone. If I ever want to try calea again, I would probably buy it from another vendor. I am very disappointed to see all my hard earned 35 bucks go down the drain, and especially all my sweat, blood and tears given into stuffing the capsules. I've had this same problem with experimenting with kava, I didnt get any good effects, only sharp liver pains. So I think my experimenting days are over, I'm just gonna stick with smokin a couple bowls of weed here and there.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32876
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 28, 2004Views: 16,967
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Calea zacatechichi (97), Dreams (85) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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