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Just a Simple Journey
Citation:   Drawed. "Just a Simple Journey: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp33894)". Jul 17, 2022.

2 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I had an empty stomach but I was still surprised I was feeling buzzed after five minutes. My friend (S) and I had scrambled to another friend’s (N’s) house which had proved to be a safe place to do the shrooms. I had a sitter (W). I started out with two and half caps. S did two I think. While N was talking to me but I was too busy looking at the patterned tablecloth to really listen. I decided to put on some music but as I crouched down to put on a cd, the shrooms really started to hit. I had to sit in a chair while S put in the cd for me. It was the Doors. As I listened to the music, I felt as if the music had brought me to my beshroomed state. All of a sudden I felt as if I was lifting off, everything seemed to vibrate, and for an instance I felt slight discomfort.

Everything seemed to be moving. I’ve felt this each time I’ve done shrooms --- I didn’t feel as if I were hallucinating, I felt as if the whole world was hallucinating with me. The chair I was sitting in was breathing as I was breathing. I could see it and I could feel it moving up and down. Even though everything had changed, looked completely different, had a dream-like clayish quality to it. Everything felt so natural. The shrooms pushed me like a stream and I just flowed with the current. It started raining and I looked at the rain forming puddles in the purplish road. The pattern made by the pouring droplets looked absolutely amazing. I would constantly laugh at what I saw. I sat back down, wanting to go for a drive to see the world, but no one would take me anywhere. I was listening to “The End” when I realized that while the hallucinations were always fun, the mental euphoria was far more interesting than the visuals.
I realized that while the hallucinations were always fun, the mental euphoria was far more interesting than the visuals.

My mind moved slower --- when I was asked a question, it’d take me a considerable amount of time to answer. Before I could answer, I’d have to think about the question from many different points of view --- also my mind opened up and I seemed to be having multiple thoughts simultaneously and I had to “detangle” the thoughts and put them in an order. I wondered why I looked forward to this shroom trip so much when it seemed just like a normal, typical thing. Around this time N decided to do a cap. She abruptly cut off the Doors and started playing piano. I wasn’t a huge fan, but the music sounded so thick, almost in the same way everything looked. It was like everything has layers added to it. I closed my eyes and saw wavy symbols floating around like colored smoke. The crispness I saw when I closed my eyes made everything I saw when I opened them seem fake. I opened my eyes again to see the vivid, thick world, and closed them to see this awesome looking CEV. I saw this rectangle which I interpreted as a doorway, and I kept moving through it but it kept moving away from where I was whenever I did.

I saw my phone and noticed I had a missed call --- there was no number and for some paranoid reason I was sure it was my parents. I sat down, paranoid, but eventually it dawned on me that there was no way it could be them. I laughed at my paranoia. S was complaining that she wasn’t feeling much, so she took more. I was debating taking more but held off because in my weird mental state had allowed my sitter and designated driver to drink way too much alcohol. This was probably because I cared a lot how other people were doing. I wanted to make sure everyone was having a good time.

Well, other people came over and S had a hit of marijuana from them. That put her over the edge. She sat catatonic for about an hour after that. Meanwhile, N was having a great time but felt uncomfortable when the other people showed up and told me she wished they would stop. I tried to comfort her, to tell her to just move with it but it didn’t seem to help. I started coming down almost to baseline around then and I went to W’s house exhausted although it took me a couple of hours to fall asleep.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33894
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 17, 2022Views: 513
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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