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I Didn't Think It Would Work
Calea zacatechichi
Citation:   Bluemangrp. "I Didn't Think It Would Work: An Experience with Calea zacatechichi (exp33895)". Jun 15, 2004.

1 cig. smoked Calea zacatechichi (dried)
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (dried)
Well, it all starts when I was on the net looking for one of those marijuana alternatives, when I came across the dream herb. Well before I was going to buy it, I needed to know about it. So I went and looked at what people had to say. It seemed that it would be a pretty cool thing. So I got some from an internet vendor, and in no time got it in the mail. I got something like 100 grams.

So I called over my friend because he seemed interested in it after I told him about it. So I first made a 8oz cup using a table spoon. I filtered it with a coffee filter. I had heard of the abhorrent taste, but I could not imagine it to be as bad as it was. It was so bad that with even a drop my cheeks would flare up and my stomach would turn. I think I could have downed very old pennies a lot easier. So I threw it down the sink.

I then decided to roll a spliff and try that. Well I rolled one for myself and my friend. We smoked them, which was as bad as smoking rubber. After that we had a cigarette to calm things down a bit. We went to sleep with New age music and we finally went to sleep. Well, this has to be the best dream I think I have ever had.

It started with me walking down a street. Than came a guy I know who tried to poke me with those little pegs you get inside those Bright-Light things. I think that’s what it was, and to get away from him I did a back flip. It was so detailed it was crazy. I had gone threw a whole day doing all kinds of things. Than for now reason I said, “Damn it, this whole day has been a dream.” And I woke up. Or did I, well I had a false awakening. I was in the desert now, and had totally forgot I was dreaming. The sky was black and I went in to the pyramid and in the middle I found a light with all of life’s answers in it. But I looked away from it and instead went with a friend to his car. I got in with him and he didn’t look like it but he was Brian Warner, and we drove sideways up a mountain side. When we got to the top there was a little girl on a swing, she jumped off the swing and off the cliff. She flew away. I then woke up.

I don’t dream much, until I discovered the beauty of Calea. It worked so well I do it every weekend, I don’t do it every day as not to burn it out.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 33895
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 15, 2004Views: 17,584
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Calea zacatechichi (97), Dreams (85) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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