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Dancing on the Crest of Reality
Citation:   Louis. "Dancing on the Crest of Reality: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp33960)". Jan 5, 2021.

1.75 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
What a profoundly great day.

This, being my second encounter with mushrooms, all began after lunch. I headed over to a good friend of mine's house, just expecting to chill out. Before I knew it, there were some shrooms in front of me and I was eating em right up.

So, I tried to keep a log book of everything that happened, and after about 20 minutes of orderly, rational thought, i just left the log book behind and headed out onto a glorious warm afternoon in the end of May. With my friend, J., as my ground man, we headed out for a great walk that involved some deeply profound conversation. As I walked through the field behind his house, remembering a dream from that morning where I had been walking in a gutter for miles and finally looked up at the beautiful sun, I happened to glance up, and then I realized that I was breaking through to the other side - the truer side - of reality. I thought I could hear thunder over head.

People, places, faces ... oh where did this long strange trip go? Riding in the car listening to Bob Dylan's 'Desolation Row' with a corresponding illustrated book that came out of nowhere.

J, being the good friend that he is, thankfully took me out to the Art Museum. (highly recommended) I realized there that the art museum is just a way for right-brain thinking to make its way into our disgustingly left-brain world. I didn't even need the big rectangular building, I just played in the living artwork out behind it. Giant concentric circles you can run through! A ridiculously-huge, overly-patriotic, ginormous complicated windmill! A field of wheat with children playing! How utterly fantastic is that!

As I sat on a bench in a field behind the museum, my vision suddenly became much more distorted than it already had been. I was already seeing beautiful colorful visuals creeping in, but now reality itself was being f--ked with. Picture, I guess, a film running in front of a light, which produces your standard projection on the wall. Now, pretend you were to take your finger and warp and twist the film as it went in front of the light...that's shrooming.

Reality got bent.

So, of course, we end up discovering a hidden pathway that leads to a bridge over a major interstate and obviously, this had profound implications for me in my life, etc. I drove by a school today and, seeing the kids just sitting there, lifeless, looking through lifeless books and papers nearly upset the whole trip. I must seize each day and enjoy it. There is no option way or another, we are charged by God with the task/joy of exploring each new day. So, screw reality as I know it. When I annihilate all that falsity, all that's left is the Truth. I hope.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33960
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 5, 2021Views: 548
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Various (28)

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