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The Most AMAZING Experience of My Life!
Citation:   Mescaline. "The Most AMAZING Experience of My Life!: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp34136)". Mar 2, 2018.

2.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Me and My best friend wanted to try mushrooms (shrooms) and so we fought and fought to finally get them..15$ a gram. I'm at a party and I eat all of mine. 30 minutes later I didnt feel anything, so thinking I just wasted my money I try to forget about it and just try to have a good time. Then maybe 10 minutes after thinking that, this weird feeling came over my entire body and its like I was no longer in control. My body felt as if it were being massaged from the inside out and it felt amazing, like a never ending orgasm, or better!

Then I'm sitting in the car with some friends and while I'm completely hung up on this crazy body trip I look at the time and I cant tell what time it is. The clock looks as if it were in chinese. I began to get excited and then I began to laugh uncontrollably about nothing and it felt so good. Then me and my best friend are riding in the bed of a truck, and thats when I really started to trip. I was looking up at the sky as the wind blew through my hair making it feel as if it were straw, but I didnt care so I just let it go.
Then up in the sky I began to see humongous hallucinations of what looked like to be an alien ship that covered the entire sky and all I could say was 'OH MY GOD' and 'What the Fuck.'

As I stared into the deep blue sky I began to see more, and I'll do my best to explain these images: They were faces that looked as if they were wearing shiny metal green masks and they were shooting down away from the 'alien ship' towards the truck towards us, but they just disappeared and more shot down towards me. Their teeth looked like they were somehow locked together and it looked as if the faces were straining to open their mouths, but they couldnt. They looked like something out of the movie Alien, it was scary but I was loving every minute of it. When we finally get out of the bed of the truck we're at another friends house and I go into the room to change my shirt, but I cant tell whats clean or dirty cuz everything was moving around and all the colors I saw were melting into each other as if it were colored wax being burnt, and it was beautiful. My mind perception was that I never wanted to go back to normal, I thought to myself I wanted to be like this forever, because not one time was I worried about anything.
I thought to myself I wanted to be like this forever, because not one time was I worried about anything.
I was on a complete different level from everyone else but at the same time, I had wished everyone else could feel as I did.

Then in my friends room I found myself staring in her closet at the corner of her wall without a shirt on just looking at some colors that werent even there..then my friends come in (the ones that arent tripping) and they are like 'Oh my god, are you ok?!' and all I can say is 'You Have to do this' I go to look into the mirror and I dont think my pupils have ever been this huge..they took over the green color of my eye and all you could see was a spec of green outlining my pupil. I go outside to hang out with some other people that are over and I was smoking a cigarette, and it felt so weird to inhale the smoke and blow it out of my mouth. Then sitting in a garage my trip slowly began to come and go, and I knew that it was wearing off, I had dreaded that moment ever since the beginning of the trip. But as I came back down on the same level as everyone else, I began to think 'what the fuck went on tonight' and I remember telling someone that 'I dont even remember what I told my parents the night before.' I couldnt remember anything, not the friday at school, even though it had only been about 14 hours ago. It finally wore completely off and things slowly began to come back to me and all I could think about was how amazing my night had been.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34136
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2018Views: 1,040
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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