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The Universe on an Intimate Level
Citation:   Dustin B.. "The Universe on an Intimate Level: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp34376)". Dec 14, 2006.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
What’s up, I'll start by saying that I’ve taken shrooms at least 4 times before this experience. Its all been around the same amount and pretty much the same potency. In the beginning it was just to have fun but I found out pretty soon that my brain wouldn’t allow that to happen. I would always respond to the trip in a anti-social matter every one around me became annoyances. It seemed that they would want my attention for no reason and I would try to talk about stuff that really mattered to me but the conversations were mostly them talking about nothing and insisting that I listen to their nonsense. I mean.. Don’t get me wrong I had the usual visuals an all. But the people I talked to were like two dimensional actors playing their roles in a play. And I always found myself wanting to get away from humanity. I never knew why until a very enlightening Saturday not two long ago.......

It was Saturday night and me and four of my friends went to my drug dealer's house to pick up a quad of gooms, half for me and half for the three of them, so we started mackin'em. There were a series of events that went down when we were driving around, (including a run in with a cop RIGHT when the shrooms hit me) But that’s not the point, this is. About two hours after consuming the shrooms we stumbled into my house and we were sitting talking to each other for a while until the 'show' started. Everyone started to annoy me as usual so I told them that I was about to puke, I then retreated to my room and locked myself in there not to emerge for the next six hours......

As I locked the door behind me I felt a sigh of relief to be able to get away from 'those' people outside my door, I then crashed on my bed to embark on my vision quest that I was yet unaware of. I started to think about why I hated people so much when I was shrooming, and in the middle of dissecting that thought it hit me, I hate all mankind even myself, but why? Just then I noticed that there were millions of pares of energetic eyes on the ceiling staring at me accompanied by a greater woman presence too; amidst all of them, like she was a teacher in an auditorium full of students and was their subject, their play thing, I say this because I perceived it not in my head but in my heart.. It’s hard to explain, so I wont, but I will say that when you feel it in your soul its not like your brain because with your brain you question, and with your heart you just know.

Anyway as I was laying on my bed she showed me why I hated humanity I suddenly got all these visions of Disgusting writhing parasites who are such a hideous mutation that the only thing they are designed for is their own destruction, also images of one mutatated organism representing mankind as a giant blob with thousands of arms punching and ripping and tearing at itself, rolling over the planet destroying everything and leaving a trail of blood in its path.

The trip then went on to the woman becoming one with me and I could feel her suffering, suddenly I was a Giant entity that I can best describe as a dying cow on its side with parasites, maggots, and cannibalistic creatures on all sides of me eating me, slithering and snarling and feasting on me until I was completely consumed then with nothing left to consume the parasites died out. Then I heard a knock at my door it was one of my friends and I wanted to kill him but I just stayed in my sanctuary and communicated with the beings in my room.

She showed me that we are 'from' her, a part of her that without she would cease to exist. Then the creator came into my room. For an instant I experienced what he felt and odd enough it was extreme boredom. Think about it what would you do when you know everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, every-fucking-thing you could ever know and he knows it, and the only thing he wants is to sit by him self in silence because communication no longer serves a purpose.

So you could do nothing ORRR.. you could reminisce and experience Innocence again IN the imperfection of mankind over and over, forever. She told me that it’s been like this forever and with out us there would be no reason to have a universe and that even if we are so hideous and disgusting we are also an equal amount of love and beauty. And that both are constantly growing until we soak up all knowledge until we reach godliness ourselves and reach that point of boredom and create our own worlds to reminisce to, Its just one big infinite cycle.

Lastly she asked me how many times I must remember before I can live my life and just then I got the most incredible sense of dejavu I've ever had. I felt her sort of chuckling as she left my room but the eyes on the ceiling remained, then I got up and walked out to meet my friends I did not feel hate for them anymore and for hours I told them of my experience and we traded thoughts about religion and some how they got hold of a mango fruit when I was out and we all ate some slice after slice until it was gone.

Then two of my friends went in the other room and fucked while me and my other friend talked about Jesus, He said 'Think of him as the head of security at a mental institution. Hey lets give him a call' he then pulled out his cell phone and started dialing and put it to his ear. I started laughing, he then set down the phone and said 'He's busy right now' I replied 'Yeah, it must be tough working the late shift.'

He nodded his head and then asked me 'Has any one told you that you have makings of a Profit'. ;) The last thing I'm going to say is that you can spend your entire life dwelling over this stuff and not get anything accomplished or you can live life, fufill your human experiance for all its worth and then move on to the next one. In the words of the Eagle's 'Hotel California'

'Some dance to remember some dance to forget'

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34376
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 14, 2006Views: 5,101
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9)

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