Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
The REAL Magical Mystery Tour
Citation:   MegaShadow. "The REAL Magical Mystery Tour: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp34837)". Nov 20, 2004.

T+ 0:00
15 g oral Mushrooms (fresh)
  T+ 0:20 15 g oral Mushrooms (fresh)
Date: October 23/24 2003
Dosage: 30 grams of WET Cambodia Mushrooms.
Time of intake: 22:40
Time of high: 7 Hours (Including Coming up and down)

(Please note, the times I have stated below are not completely accurate. I can only remember the times of when I was coming up and down on this. When I was peaking, it was hard to know who I was, let alone know what the time was. Also note, the events that I describe below have only been described as best as I can remember. Lots of other things had happened in between, but I have not a good enough memory of these events to write an accurate description of them.)

I had just got back from my girlfriends and I had a great time round there. I was in love. I was on top of the world. I was in the perfect mindset to trip. I got home, and laying on my bed was a small, brown package. 'Yes!' I thought, 'my mushrooms had arrived!'. I opened it up and there they were, 30 grams of fresh Cambodia mushrooms. Yummy.

The time was 22:40 and I decided to dose the first half of the mushrooms (15 grams). I waited another 20 minutes to dose the rest, and then I waited for the magic to kick in.

I went through the horrible process of coming up. The anxiety was terrible. If you are an experienced pyschonaut, you'll know exactly what I mean. The coming up stages are the worst part of the trip for me. I feel anxious, just waiting for something to happen. For me, the coming up was quite fast. I had eaten the mushrooms on an empty stomach. I would of rather of slowly came up though. When I come up fast, I feel as if I have no time to really calm myself before the storm. I try my best to keep myself busy, but my mind still seems to wonder off. I spend a lot of time thinking when I'm coming up. It's this thinking that makes me so anxious. I can feel myself slowly losing more and more control of my mind and thoughts. I started having very weird thought patterns. 'Should I of taken so many? It's only my second time taking mushrooms. Say if my parents find out?'. Luckily, I'm a pretty calm person. I reassured myself that nothing will go wrong. I reassured myself that I took an average dose, and that I won't overdose. This calmed me down. I stopped fighting the anxiety. I let the mushrooms carry me to the peak. I'm not sure what time it hit me, all I know is that it hit me like a bullet when it did.

I staggered over to my computer desk, and stuck some hendrix on. Music sounds so fresh and natural on mushrooms. I spent the next hour or so laying on my bed, spaced out. I was tripping, and it was good. I couldn't believe the things I was seeing. The walls were breathing around me and my lamp had flashing lights running up and down the side of it, I had just lost sense of time and reality. I completely forgot who my girlfriend was, and who I was. 'This' I thought to myself 'Must be the egoloss I've heard so much about!'. It's hard to describe what egoloss really is. It's as if your identity has been pushed to the back of your mind. You can still vaguely remember who you are, but you just can't seem to grasp it. This is the part of mushrooms I love best. I don't think mushrooms would BE mushrooms without egoloss. I don't think I would be able to tap into Earth without it. I believe that you have to loss your idenity to truely experience mushrooms. But that's just me. This was the first time that egoloss had really happened to me. I freaked out abit. I spent ages running round the internet asking people (Funny now, but at the time it wasn't. ) This soon wore off though. (Thankfully)

I spent a lot of the time walking up and down the stairs. I could tell I was still coming up, the anxiousness had subsided and now I was able to really enjoy the trip. There is this plant pot on one of the stairs. I loved watching that bend and breath. Several times I grabbed my coat and went to walk out. But my dad was sitting downstairs and was able to stop me. I really don't know how he didn't know I was tripping. I was giggling, BADLY. I was tripping up everywhere, and I kept wanting to walk out. I think he just thought I was sleep walking. He never spoke to me about it in the morning, so I think I got away with that this time.

I finally got out though. I grabbed my coat, put my shoes on, and walked out. My dad was half asleep, but I was actually surprised my dad let me. He just said 'Yeah,just don't go over that park'. You'll never guess where I went.

This has got to be the best part of the trip. I was just peaking, I stepped outside my house, looked up, and watched in awe the moon and the stars moving. It was such a perfect night to trip! There was a full moon that filled the sky, and thousands of stars surrounded it. The sky was so black and beautiful. There wasn't a cloud in the sky! I staggered down my road, and down the alley way. Street lamps made my vision seem more red than usual. It was as if there was a red mist all around me. My breathing had become a bit irregular, but this didn't bother me much. At first, it did worry me. But then I reassured myself that it was the drugs, and that I could handle it. I made it across the road in one piece, and I entered the park. Now, this park when I'm SOBER is beautiful. There are two giant lakes, and tons of small hills where an old golf course use to be. It was a great place to trip. I made my way round to the second lake. As I was walking round there, I kept getting lost in amazement at how bright the moon was. The moon lit up everything. I could see for miles and miles. Everytime I would look up, the moon would grow bigger and smaller, just as if it was breathing. It was as if I was zooming in and out on it with a camera. I finally got to where I was heading, and I layed down infront of a group of huge willow trees, and behind me were a couple of other trees that seemed to lean over me. Luckily though, I could still see most of the sky. The stars seemed so much closer and bright, I could almost touch them, I felt. They seemed to be performing some kind of tribal dance routine just for me. I felt like I was on top of the world, the euphoria couldn't get much better than this. I watched in amazement at the trees bending and leaning towards me. It felt as if they were sheilding me from something. Each branch seemed to be leaning over to me, as if it wanted to stroke me and reassure me that everything would be fine. Rays of moonlight shone down through the leaves in the tree and onto my face. I could actually feel the energy from the light on every paw on my face.. The stars began to shoot everywhere in the sky above. There was still a kind of red mist that seemed to hang around in the distance.

I wasn't only getting visuals at this point in time, I was also getting audio hullicinations. When ducks would quack, it would echo. I was hearing voices. Strangely enough, none of these voices scared me. It was comforting. That was up until the point I heard my dad scream my name. I thought he was coming over to get me and take me home. Hundreds of thoughts were running through my head at this point, I started to panic. 'Will he know I'm tripping?', 'What will he do to me?', 'Maybe he'll understand?'. I had to act quickly. So I got up, ran and hid in some bushes.. After a while, I realised I was just hearing things, I cautiously stepped out the bushes, and went back to my spot and continued to watch everything around me. The audio hullicinations come back again, and I started to hear dogs circling me. Again, I started to panic, but luckily I was able to tell myself that it was the drugs doing this. I got up, and walked over to the lake. I cannot describe how beautiful that lake looked. The yellow lights from the lamp posts around the park shon down onto the lake, making it seem even more magical. (I've been over to this park before when I'm sober, and it looks magical then. Now it looked completely mind blowing! The reflections from the moon, the stars, the houses, the lamp posts and the cars going past all joined up together to make a multi coloured lake. Beautiful) I looked down at some leafs on the floor and they began to slowly morph into patterns you'd see on a carpet. Every once in a while they would slowly morph again and change into a different formation. It was as if I was looking into a kaleidoscope. I was listening to the birds singing. I felt like I was listening to them communicate. I felt every note that the birds were singing. It was so beautiful that I nearly began to cry. I finally decided to go home. I don't know how long I had been over here now. It must of been atleast 2 hours. I began to walk home, and the red mist was surrounding me again. There was a few dark blue clouds in the sky now, but they barely covered the gigantic moon that hung gracefully above me.

It's funny how quickly my mood can change on mushrooms. One minute I can be on top of the world. The next I just want to break down and cry. I also feel very paranoid. At several points in this trip I felt as if I was being watched. Again, I had researched enough on this drug to reassure myself that it was in my head. I even love that aspect of the trip. I go through so many emotions. One minute Im happy, next I'm sad. One minute I love everything around me, the next I hate it. I love that part of the trip. It just wouldn't BE mushrooms without it!

I got in, I snuck past my dad (who was sleeping) and I went and sat in the kitchen. At this point in time everything was moving in slow motion. My cat walked up to me purring and it started to weave in and out of my legs. I sat there for the next 30 minutes and just observed him. I could feel myself coming down now, but I was still pretty intoxicated. The coming down is the best part for me. I love the 'coming home' feeling I get. Again, it's hard to describe. The madness is starting to subside. I can tell that I'm slowly becoming sane again. I feel as if everything is right with the world. And even it isn't right, to me it don't matter now. I became lost in a stare at my cat, Tommy. He looked like a cartoon character at one point. It was amazing watching him move in slow motion. I staring out at my backgarden, the moonlight shon down onto my garden furniture and through the trees. Everything seemed bent and distored. I can only compare it to something that picasso would paint. Except it seemed more natural, it seemed as if it had always been like that.

I finnaly went upstairs, it was about 5:00 and I had been tripping for 7 hours, I could feel myself coming down. So I decided to call it a night.

Mushrooms are amazing. I can't think of any other word to describe them. They feel so natural. I don't feel like a crack head when I do mushrooms. I actually do believe I am just expanding my subconscious. This is a lot more than a 'high'. It's an expierence. I will never forget that night. I've never seen such beautiful things in all my life. For them few hours I felt one with the Earth. Mushrooms are good, but they are not there to be abused. They are there to educate. They are there to open ones mind (Sorry if I'm beginning to sound like Morpheus. Haha). Mushrooms are willing to show you a different world. But there are not willing to be abused for the sake of curing boredom. After this trip I began doing mushrooms more frequently. The trips finnaly got worst and worst until I had a bad trip. I haven't done mushrooms for a few months now. Which is good. I understand now that mushrooms are not a recreational substance. They aint there just to get 'fucked up' on. They are there to open the doors and windows of your mind. I will do mushrooms again. Definately. I'm just gonna wait for the perfect time. Please, I beg of you, if you are thinking about trying mushrooms, then go ahead. Do it. Enjoy it. It will be worth it if your intentions are good. But be warned. You're asking for a bad trip if you abuse mushrooms.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 34837
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 20, 2004Views: 8,837
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Mushrooms (39) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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