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A Beautiful Day
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   psychedelic santa. "A Beautiful Day: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp34941)". Jul 4, 2018.

2 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (edible / food)
I have tried many drugs and have decided that there is nothing I like more then a good psychedlic. So far my list of experiences includes Salvia (5-10), Peyote (1), LSD(10-15), Psilocybin (15-20), DPT (1), DXM (1), MDMA (5-6), 5MEO-DMT (2), Syrian Rue (2), and my most intense and most terrifying, Ayahuasca (4) with my last trip (20 grams mimosa 5 grams syrian rue) leaving me cowering in the corner swearing to myself that I would never touch a drug again if I came back to reality. Of course I came back and was more then ready to dose up a month later. I still have not totally recovered from it (3 months ago) so I have been dosing much lower and with less frequency. I have also been slightly depressed as of late so that has effected how deep I am willing to go.
For the 4th of July four of my friends and I took 2 grams of mushies cultivated by myself. After I dried the mushies I ground them in a coffee grinder and put them into chocolate. I mixed up a large amount of chocalate (50 grams mushies) and stored them in the fridge for six months and they never changed in potency.
The trip was mild for me but every one had a great time (plus plus). We dosed outside at a friends house and walked to a forest preserve when they started to kick in. With the mushies in the chocolate they kick in almost twice as fast. On the way to the forest someone lit off a firework that shot a 1/2 stick 100 feet in the air. The blast felt incredible (I felt the air get sucked in and blown out) and my vision totally changed after it went off. There where strange orange neon blobs in my peripheral vision and I felt as if I was observing everything a foot or two above my body.
At the peak of our trips we sat in a huge field and watched the sunset. It was very beautiful and the wind felt great flowing around my body. The remainder of the trip was spent sitting around a fire and watching the fireworks. Most of my visuals where gone (2.5-3 hours in) but I still had some spatial distortion and more vivd colors. Everyone else still seemed to be pretty good as they ran around carefree lighting off fireworks and laughing at everything.
All in all it was a great time that I would love to repeat.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34941
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 4, 2018Views: 753
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Various (28), Personal Preparation (45), Depression (15), General (1)

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