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Oh My God, This Is Crazy!
Citation:   intrepidchris. "Oh My God, This Is Crazy!: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp35297)". Apr 18, 2018.

2 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  1.5 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
At 12:00 midnight, J and I ate about 2 grams of shrooms each and then proceeded to smoke 3 one-gram joints. We figured it would only take us a few hours to peak and come down completely. When it got to be 1:00 or so and we'd merely gotten high, we became discouraged and started second guessing dosage and the quality of the shrooms. At about 1:30 we became a bit light headed and colors started looking vibrant. By 2:00 we were tripping our asses off. Here are a few things that stood out:

1. Something strange happens to the way I perceive parallel or somewhat parallel lines. We could see ripples flowing through the drawn blinds in my apartment.

2. The way TV is colorized gets REALLY warped, something about the way that the tiny sets of red, yellow and blue lines in the screen are set up gets distorted badly when I trip. Actual faces on live people look the best, they 'morph' and convolute and it's hysterical.

3. Wood grain looks strange, parts of my wood door looked like they were sticking out from the 2D surface.

The trip lasted until 7am and we were laughing like idiots the entire time. Shrooms are da bomb!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 35297
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 18, 2018Views: 1,065
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