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Too Many
Citation:   CandyFlipper. "Too Many: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp35932)". Erowid.org. Feb 3, 2011. erowid.org/exp/35932

T+ 0:00
3.5 oz oral Mushrooms
  T+ 1:00 3.5 oz oral Mushrooms
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis
I had eaten mushrooms about 5 or 6 times before this occasion and i was looking to have a completely mind-blowing, non-stop hallucinations, on another planet trip so i had decided to eat 2 dubs of shrooms. I enjoyed all of my trips on mushrooms and i figured that eating twice as much would make it twice as fun and twice and intense. I was wrong it was fucking 100 times more intense.

I had bought 2 1/8's ($35 a piece)of shrooms and called my friend up to be my tripsitter for the journey to another dimension. I chewed up a dub and let it sit under my toung for about half an hour and then ate the other about half an hour later. With in an hour from eating the first one i felt the oncomming effects so we went in the woods in my backyard to burn a bowl. I remember looking at the leaves curl up almost as if they were smiling at me. This part of the trip was enjoyable because only the first 1/8 had kicked in. we chilled around my house for a bit and then decided to go get a couple milk shakes. On the car ride there time was almost at a standstill. I seemed like a couple hours to get to the other side of town which was only about 30 minutes. We got our milkshakes and headed back to my house and this is when the madness began. We were almost back to my house when i started yelling out random sayings like 'THERE IT IS, HAMBURGER RICE' or 'HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THE MULLET ON THAT N*GG*R' (i'm not raceist by the way). These are my last fully clear memories and the last that i had any control over my actions.

After this point I only remember certain flashes of the trip but my friend later filled me in on all the craziness that happened. We went into my room and i grabbed my glass bong and was smashing it against the wall and flipping out, (this is something I would never ever do I LOVE THAT BONG but i had absolutely no control over my actions). I started taking my pants off and going nuts, my friend tried to hold me down and talk some sense into me but every time he would grab me I would flip out. i somehow made it upstairs and started throwing a pile of newspapers around (pants still off) and shouting out incomprehendable phrases.

The things i did during the trip were not my choices and I had no control over my actions, the mushrooms had complete control over my brain. I did lots of fucked up shit that night like grabbing handfulls of cookie dough and wipping it on my grill, taking a bite out of a candle, throwing my money around like it was nothing of value at all, and trying to jump out of my friends moving car when he tried to get me away from my house. My parents came home later and found me tripping my balls off. When I started coming back to reality I was convinced that this was all a big dream or something.

The things that happpened that day were unexplainable with words. I lost complete control of my mind, body, and soul while the mushrooms took over and went on a rampage. I have since eaten mushrooms an many occasions but never any more that an 1/8. I find mushrooms to be a fun, mystical, magical, mysterious, unexplainable, uncomprehendable, escape from reality.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35932
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 3, 2011Views: 6,565
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Mushrooms (39) : Overdose (29), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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