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Dope Sick Then More Sick
Poppies - Opium
Citation:   albedo. "Dope Sick Then More Sick: An Experience with Poppies - Opium (exp36545)". Sep 26, 2021.

  oral Poppies - Opium (tea)
poppy seed tea

I had been reading all about poppy seed tea on the web, and the opinions on it were 50/50. Some said it worked, others said no. I had been dopesick all week, so I broke down and tried it. The topics I read all recommended using a little over 2 lbs.(1kg) of seeds. I only had enough cash for 1 lb., so that's what I used. To make a long story short, I am currently taking between 20-25 vikes or percs daily. I drank this tea and nearly od'd. Be careful with this shit. I was sick and vomiting for 18 hours. I though it was kid's stuff, but i was WRONG. On the plus side, I buzzed hard all day long, and can still feel it the next day. I should have taken it slow. Maybe a medium size glass full and then wait to see if it's enough before I drink more. I didn't get really sick until about 5 hours after I drank it.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36545
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 26, 2021Views: 946
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