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Taming the Beast
Mushrooms & Headaches
Citation:   Sadnomore. "Taming the Beast: An Experience with Mushrooms & Headaches (exp36840)". Jul 24, 2007.

2.0 g oral Mushrooms (tea)
I have been a sufferer of cluster headaches for 4 years. Each year I tried a different prescription drug to treat my pain. Halfway through each cycle the beast reappeared and I suffered for about a month with no relief. My pain has been dismissed by doctors as migraines ('because there are almost no female suffers')I think because there is almost no way for them to treat it. I myself am a medical student and I concede that the amount of research and the amount of teaching related to this disease is minimal.

Until this year in september (the usual date of the start of an attack) I was contemplating suicide annually. This year I tried Mushrooms as prescribed by other cluster sufferers who had already discovered this wonderful miracle.

The day after I felt the classic symptoms of the beginning of an attack I drank 2g of dried mushroom tea, tripped for about 5 hours and today 2 weeks later I still haven't had a hint of an attack.

I still feel anxious, it's difficult to believe it could be so easy and I will not be so naive as to think I am cured so easily, but as soon as the beast threatens to appear I will be out there visiting my local illicit drug dealer for a gram or 2. No matter what the cost.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36840
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 24, 2007Views: 11,404
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Mushrooms (39), Migraines (154) : Health Benefits (32), Unknown Context (20)

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