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Cough Suppressant?
by Bub
Citation:   Bub. "Cough Suppressant?: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp37155)". Mar 4, 2011.

3 g oral Mushrooms
I had been waiting weeks to go to this show. Then, with the show scheduled for the upcoming weekend, I got a terrible cold on Thursday. It went into Friday and had only gotten worse. Saturday came around and I was coughing seemingly once-a-minute. My nose would not stop running. I was not particularly optimistic that I was going to be feeling well enough to truely enjoy the concert.

I decided to eat slightly less than 1/8 oz. of mushrooms. (3g) I figured that it may keep me distracted enough that I would forget about my cold. As a fairly experienced user of mushrooms, I was not particularly worried that my cold would bring about a 'bad trip.' I figured that the worst case scenario is that I would become more annoyed with my cold (in particular, my cough) than I would if I was sober.

Before leaving, I took some nasal decongestant which made my sinuses feel much better throughout the night. I made it to the show with some of my friends, coughing all the way. I ate the mushrooms before going in and did not chew them very much, in order to have the trip start as late as possible, as the headlining band did not go on for a few hours.

The trip slooooowly came on. (it took about 2 hours before I actually felt like I was tripping) The band started rocking out. I was having a great time. Eventually, I realized that I had not coughed in a few hours, and did not feel any desire to cough whatsoever. On the way to the show I couldn't stop coughing.

The show ended (and what a as I was coming down off of my trip. I started to have a little cough every once in a while, but nothing too noticeable. As I became more and more sober, I began coughing more and more. By the time I was in my room ready to go to bed, I couldn't sleep because I was coughing non-stop. I was up all night until I eventually was so exhausted that i fell asleep between coughs.

I have never seen any information regarding psilocybin or any other chemicals in mushrooms suppressing coughs. I knew that DXM was supposedly a cough suppressant, but I have read that it does not actually suppress anything at all (and I had never remembered cough syrup actually ridding a cough, including the previous day, when I took some plus a little extra).

Are mushrooms in any way a cough suppressant? I do not know for certain, but it sure felt like it. I have heard that mushrooms are also a muscle relaxant. Perhaps this has some effect on the cough reflex as well. If anyone else has had any similar or contradictory experiences, I would be interested in hearing them.

*This trip was also very unique in that I had no uncomfortable coming up period. Normally, as I am coming up I feel slightly anxious, and I have to reassure myself that I have nothing to worry about and that everything will be fine. Everything always is. I also normally have an EXTREMELY difficult time communicating with others on the way up. I can't think of ways to express myself even when a fairly simplistic sentence could sum up exactly what I am thinking. As I slowly started tripping I continued to grow more and more relaxed, socially as well as physically. I freely conversed with my friends without difficulty the entire night, even while tripping significantly. (I was the only one tripping)

Although I could attempt to go on describing what patterns I saw and how I felt, I will not. Tripping on mushrooms is an incredibly unique feeling that cannot be adequetely described in words.

Thank you for your time,

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37155
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2011Views: 9,872
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Mushrooms (39) : Health Benefits (32), Club / Bar (25)

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