Complete and Utter Jackass, I
Mushrooms - Panaeolus subbalteatus
Citation:   vandago. "Complete and Utter Jackass, I: An Experience with Mushrooms - Panaeolus subbalteatus (exp37309)". Oct 10, 2004.

11 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Well I've been saving my pan subbs I've been picking for a couple weeks since the season is done, and the night b4 last I had a half ounce of them dry,( mind you that pan subbs are the same potency as p. cubensis) I gave my g/f an 8th and I downed the rest ground up in a blender mixed with orange juice. And what can I say but HOLY SHIT.

It started off intense as hell everything was moving in slow motion with these off the wall trails I've never seen before. My vision was covered in overlaying swirling tie die colors. When people walked I would see them in one place and not see them move just reappear like some one built them out of sand in the spot they moved to. I went to the bathroom and shut the door and turned the lights off for a second and it was no darkness just tie dye swirls and colors. They all formed together and made a huge 3d pyramid, the pyramid then flattened and the three sides layed flat and then rose to form 3 new pyramids. These then double and flipped and interlocked all in front of me. I WAS BLOWN AWAY JUST BY THIS. (by the way I was listenening to lateralus by TOOL at the time of this hallucinations I think the music greatly influeced them).

I went back into the room and we started baking some fine herb when all of the sudden I could see myself talking to my friend complete obe. I was so entranced by everything at this time everybodies face took no shape anymore and were just geometric shapes and colors.

My trip sitter had to take a few people home because they didn't drive, and I was left alone with his little bro who is quite annoying. Well I asked his little bro to take a walk for a few so I could take in everything. I lied down on a bed in the green lit room (from a lava lamp) and closed my eyes. As I did this I was hearing APC on the stereo and I completely melted into the bed like no kidding I was the damn bed. My spirit then felt as though I was lifted into all the colors I was seeing and I got engulfed by some incredible warmth. The most pleasant happiness I've ever felt (btw I still could feel some aspects of my face I wasn't completely gone yet) and a huge smile spread across my face and I was so happy wrapped in this warmth tears rolled down my cheeks. The colors I was seeing then morphed into a giant head with working colored gears for brains and the head split in half to a world that looked like rainbow raindrops ( like milkdrops for winamp) this then changed into another pyramid with hyrogliphics that were moving around building the pyramid. They all worked to the beat of the music and everything I was seeing flowed with the music. There was more to this but I can't recall a lot.

Then the lil bro dude came in and was like you ok dude and I was like ya I'm fine, and he says ya cause you don't look to good and this started to bother me, I then seperated myself from the bed and rolled over to go get a drink. Upon rolling over I tripped out again ( don't recall to what) and the kid said man are you sure you're alright. And that's when I suddenly realized I wasn't alright ( notion to freak out got put in my head from him bugging me) and I told him my brain had been hemmoraging (spelling?) and I was having a heart attack , mind you my throat felt almost completely closed I could barely breath my left arm was completely numb and twitching my legs stiffened and curled up I broke into a major sweat that kicks a salvia sweat in the ass and I ran to get something to drink tripping and falling and stumbling and freakin out. I chugged a load of water and thought I was gonna be alright but then I thought I was having another heart attack so I flipped.

I called my sitters cell phone and told him I think I overdosed (I now know that I didn't of course) and I needed to be hospitalized. He said he'd be there and I sat and waiting freaking out muscles twitching just clearly thinking I was gonna die. I did the dumbest thing I could have ever done.....called 911.

I told them I overdosed on shrooms and I was gonna die and that I've had at least 3 heart attacks, the lady told me to sit very still and don't move. That's when I realized what I did, I threw down phone the and rushed into the bedroom and grabbed all the drugs and booked it out the door I hid everything safely somewhere, althought destroying my digital scale...bummer. I got back inside and talked to the lady and told her that I was definetly gonna die they wouldn't make it and threw the phone down again. I laid on the porch on my back and started to pray.

As I did this it felt as though I was being lifted out of my body again but I fought it because I thought I was dying and that was me drifting away, and I jumped up and started moving as much as possible so I didn't dissolve again.

The ambulance pulled in and I ran out to it and jumped in freaking out at the people and they strapped me down and hooked me up to IV's my heart rate was 145. My legs were completely numb my left arm was twitching my toes kept curling up I kept almost leaving my body again but wouldnt let it happen And I was ICE cold even the ambulance people said I was freezing , my throat was half closed so they put tubes in my nose. I kept freakin out telling them I needed to talk to my girlfriend ( it was our 2 year anniversary that day) and they just wouldn't let me. I kept freakin out and yellin at em telling them to give me xanex but they wouldn't. I got to the hospital and the cops asked where I got the shrooms from. I said I picked em.....haha ya right where'd you get the shrooms from....I FUCKING PICKED THEM. I was questioned over and over and over but the cops were rather cool about it. They said you know if you want we will give you a ride home so your mom doesn't have to know about it. But I wanted her to I was so scared I was gonna die and I wanted to see people I loved before I went.

After about an hour of freakin in the hospital I started coming off my trip and realized what A COMPLETE AND UTTER JACKASS I AM. I spent the next 2 hours talking to my mom coming down and laughing at myself for stupidity and she sighed and listened to my story. The cops said no report was necessary I'd been through enough.

I stayed there til 3 am and went home completely mind fucked from everything that happened. Next time I think I'll do a few grams less because I wasn't prepared for that.

I've eaten shrooms and acid well over 100 times combined, dxm plenty of times to platuea sigma, special k, salvia, amt, huffing gas (regret the shit out of that), nitrous,weed, painkillers and everything else under the sun and nothing even compared to that.

I've learned plenty of valuable lessons from this though. Always have a sitter present, if you geek out don't call the cops cause they don't help at all (I knew that beforehand), and dose yourself wisely. But thanks for taking the time to read....peace.

By the way this was the night before last and now when I smoke pot I feel that dissolving feeling again and a heavy feeling on my chest and my muscles quiver. I wonder how long that'll last.....

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37309
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 10, 2004Views: 28,923
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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