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Thrown Hard Into a Trip
Mushrooms & Salvia divinorum (15x extract)
Citation:   Spanish Jesus. "Thrown Hard Into a Trip: An Experience with Mushrooms & Salvia divinorum (15x extract) (exp37356)". Feb 12, 2023.

1/8 oral Mushrooms (dried)
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Timing: mushrooms at the 0 hour / salvia at +15 minutes

Experience: I have smoked salvia extracts of various potencies and leaf, as well as tripped off mushrooms on multiple occasions, never had a bad trip until this one.

Mindset: About 2 months prior to this trip, I was living with my girlfriend G, 1 roommate F., and another guy M. F. was busted for dealing and narked out a bunch of other people. I moved out and lived in another place with G. A few weeks after we moved in, M got us a 1/4oz of mushrooms, I got him high, and G and I decided to skip work and trip the next day. We ate the mushrooms together, splitting it roughly equally in terms of content, and while we were waiting for the mushrooms we decided to try out some salvia extract I had gotten as a present a month or 2 before.

We first tried to make an outside room dark, but couldn't get it dark enough for us. We then decided to go into the bathroom, close the door and do it in near perfect darkness. I went first, taking one hit in my 12-inch waterpipe, and holding it in for as long as I could. I could feel the salvia creeping in as the last smoke was exhaled from my lungs.

The next thing I remember was that I was a spoon in a closed drawer. I was surrounded by other spoons and there was a China ladle in the drawer. The China ladle was apparently the mother/ruler of the drawer and was somehow making me feel like I was a bad spoon.
I was a spoon in a closed drawer. I was surrounded by other spoons and there was a China ladle in the drawer. The China ladle was apparently the mother/ruler of the drawer and was somehow making me feel like I was a bad spoon.
At this point I had completely lost all touch with reality. I had no clue I was hallucinating, and my only thoughts were: I had done something horrible, and I had to get out. This was a bit of a problem as I was in a totally dark room and had no way out I could see. I think I managed to communicate this after what seemed like an eternity, to G who must have opened the door. I rushed outside, dropping the pipe onto the (thankfully carpeted) floor as soon as I got outside the bathroom.

For the next 10 minutes I sat on my couch reacquiring my identity. As soon as I felt the tinges of Salvia fading away, the mushroom buzz rushed in to take its place. I went to my bedroom, where G joined me and, despite my advice, took a hit of Salvia. She was also thrown into tripping land. We both came back and had a good trip, mine somewhat scared from loss of identity.

This continued until +3 hours, when while I was strongly tripping, F shows up. He then tells me I must come outside and talk to him. Scared as all hell, tripping badly and half-dressed I come out and talk to him. He started talking about how he *knew* what I had done with M the night before. I started really getting nervous and the sensation that the police were coming for me did not dissipate until about 10+ hours after consumption. I mean nervous to the point of returning to that thought at least every 2 minutes. However, if I concentrated I could feel a very pleasant body buzz, and thought 'I should be enjoying this more,' at least 20 or 30 times. I kept trying to go to sleep and wake up after the trip but I could not sleep. My girlfriend had an excellent trip starting about 20 minutes after she came down from the salvia.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37356
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 12, 2023Views: 279
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Mushrooms (39), Salvia divinorum (44) : Combinations (3), Bad Trips (6), Glowing Experiences (4), Relationships (44), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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