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We Talked to Each Other Through the Piano
Citation:   Jackson. "We Talked to Each Other Through the Piano: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp37940)". Jul 13, 2018.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Awesome First Trip

It was just about two weeks ago when I tripped for the first time. I am sixteen years old and I had been reading up on shrooms and was all for it. My best friend(Ill call him Z) that I was going to do them with told me not to underestimate the trip or else it might turn bad.

I got some a quarter ounce of shrooms off of a friend that I have known for a pretty long time. He told me that they were pretty potent. My family was going out of town to visit my brother in college so I stayed at Z's house for the weekend. We started a little campfire in the back yard and then went inside to eat the shrooms.

I heard that they tasted awful so I got a cup of orange juice ready. They werent bad at all. I ate them 1 by 1 and chewed them up very well. Ive heard that the better you chew them the more affective. It took about 5 minutes to finish them off. We then went back out to the fire.

After about 20 minutes I started staring at this bush in the woods that was bright yellow and completely stood out from everything else. It started twisting and pulsing and growing. That was just the beginning of a great first trip. It started raining a few minutes later. I couldnt actually feel the rain drops on my head but I could feel my head getting cold.

We went inside and started playing on the piano togethor. It was AMAZING!! We arent that good at the piano in the first place, but I didnt even think about that. It felt like every note was an addition to a masterpiece that we were creating. The keys on the piano were rolling like waves. I played like I was expressing my feelings. Then when me and z were playing it felt like we were talking to each other through the piano. It was by far the best feeling ever.

After playing for about an hour we just sat around talking about how we felt and about the world. It felt like everything we said was really deep and thoughtful. Some things actually were and some things were pointless. Z and I have been best friends for about 9 years and we were agreeing about everything and we understood eachother on every subject.

After about four hours of tripping we decided that it was one of the best experiences of our lives and was time to got to bed. That night had finally come to an end. It was the best feeling in the world.

Thank you for reading this.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37940
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jul 13, 2018Views: 775
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Relationships (44), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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