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Insight Through Terror
Mushrooms & Cannabis
by IDB
Citation:   IDB. "Insight Through Terror: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp38017)". Feb 22, 2023.

half oz oral Mushrooms (dried)
  Many bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

I had been doing mushrooms quite a bit. I was very interested with the inner strength that came out of each trip. I normally eat 3.5 grams and have a good time searching my thoughts. I had eaten 7 grams a few times and really learned what it was like to lose myself. I decided to enter the sphere of a half ounce trip for my own self growth.

I went to a friend's house and began eating the dried shrooms. I remember having about 3 grams left in the bag when I was already feeling the anxiety coming on. I knew that I had to get my car to another friend's house because that was where I planned on ending up at the end of the night. I decided to hop into my car and get my car to the other house before the shrooms hit me. Unfortunately they hit me while I was driving. I kept telling myself to stay calm and follow the flow of traffic. The black tar lines on the road were swirling all over the road. I finally made it to the house and parked my car.

I was tripping well by that point and I still had around three grams more to consume. I remember laying my head down on the carpet inside a house and the carpet was waving like I was under the water staring at the ocean floor. I felt very surreal and relaxed, but obligated to eat the rest of the shrooms. So I managed to munch the rest.

I hate being indoors while tripping so I ventured outside. I wanted to observe nature. It was a bit cloudy that day and when I looked up at the sky the clouds bubbled up and started flying rapidly in one direction. Looking back on the experience that vision symbolized what was to come in my still early trip; rapid insanity. I was sitting in the dirt and observing the ants. At first I would see one. Then more would appear until I'm pretty sure I was sitting right next to an ant hole. I got up and went inside where my friends were. I had nothing to say to them. I could not conjure up any words to make a sentence.

I remember feeling very distressed and I was pacing back and forth on the patio outside. I was not having a bad time, but I was not having a good time either. I was worried that I had gotten myself into a deep pit and I was going to have to endure hours of uneasiness until I was myself again. My friends wanted to go get food and head over to another friend's house. So I hopped into the passenger seat of their car. I remember sweating uncontrollably at that point. I could not move and I was sweating badly at that point. There was a car parked next to us at the drive up food place. I leaned my head against the window because I thought everybody in that car was looking at me. I was quite freaked out. I told myself to calm down and that we'd be at a safe house soon.

Eventually we made it to the house we had set out to go to. There were blankets and pillows all piled in a corner. I could barely hold myself up and I remember diving into the heap of softness. After that must have been the peak of my trip. I remember bits and pieces of it. All my close friends were there and they were all smiling with me. I remember the whole world was a very tainted translucent pink. I was trying to explain to them what I was going through but I couldn't even make out sentences that made sense.
All my close friends were there and they were all smiling with me. I remember the whole world was a very tainted translucent pink. I was trying to explain to them what I was going through but I couldn't even make out sentences that made sense.
Later on they told me that I was talking about the man in the corner. They told me that I said I would show them for $10 apples. I was enjoying life and was deep into my trip when it all went sour.

I remember seeing the door open and it was upside down. I was on my back looking at the door. I was a bunch of legs leaving and I thought everyone was leaving me. Suddenly my friend said, 'come on lets go.' I asked where we were going. She said back for more food. I said I couldn't go. Everyone else had left and my friend said I had to go. I physically could not remove myself and I felt so horrible inside because I thought that her mom wanted me out of the house. I began to flip out. I thought that I was never going to come out of my state. I didn't know how I was ever going to talk to my parents again. I saw them in my head. They were standing on the edge of the earth and looked disappointed.

A cell phone went off in my head and would not stop ringing. I wanted it to stop. It wouldn't. I wanted to kill myself, but realized that my spiritual being would still be alive and the ringing would never stop. I was so scared and kept looking to my friend for help. She had never tripped before and didn't know what to do. Then a bunch of people I didn't know started walking into the room. I was scared of what they thought of me and I just wanted to feel safe from people's eyes and stares.

One of my tripping buddies came in and noticed that I was distressed. He asked me if I wanted to go on a ride with him. I said yes. He took me where I wanted to go. I wanted to just drive around for a while and talk to him. He listened to what I had to say and he calmed me down. Then I wanted to go to the place where I had left my car. He had to pick up some people. I didn't know some of them and didn't want to drive with them. So I jumped in the back of the truck and laid down. My friend told me that he had hit 100 mph on the highway. The sky was magnificent. We got back to the house and I smoked many bowls of marijuana to calm down. I finally went to bed.

The next day I had the worst headache of my life. I have tripped many times since then. Not just off of mushrooms either. I had sustained a concussion while under the influence of Datura and I have done many research chemicals. As of lately I have been very unstable. I thought that I may be suffering from Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder. However, upon further review I think that I have become somewhat Bipolar. I strongly believe that this is related to my extensive hallucination experiences. I believe my depression as of late is due to my mushroom experiences.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 38017
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 22, 2023Views: 244
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Mushrooms (39) : Various (28), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Post Trip Problems (8), Nature / Outdoors (23), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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