Leaping Lizards!
Citation:   Kujata. "Leaping Lizards!: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp38086)". Erowid.org. May 18, 2019. erowid.org/exp/38086

  oral Mushrooms (dried)
  .5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My first time tripping was back in April of 2004, and it was excellent. I was a bit of a noob to the whole scene of marijuana and mushrooms, but I was excited.

My family was gone for a several days, so my boyfriend (whom I will refer to as Bard) and I decided to get some mushrooms. We scored a bag that had about 3 grams inside. I started off with a sing mushroom (since it was my first time), and held it under my tounge for a good 20-30 minutes.

I didn't feel anything initially, but after Bard took his first dose and I took my gram, we smoked a bowl of cannabis, and it seemed to boost my high a little bit. After we had smoked the bowl, it had been about 40 minutes since the intake of the mushrooms. I felt a tingle go from my tounge, to my cheeks, gums, and all the way through my head. It was a very unique feeling. Shortly after that, Bard and I decided to have sex, and it was felt amazing. I was very hyper-sensative to everything around me.

I layed on my bed afterwards and looked around my room, and everything was so colorful. The actual trip started then I have an Italian flag hanging on my ceiling over my light to shade the room. When I looked up at the flag, I saw a rainbow of colorful flowers pouring out.

One hour after I had taken the mushrooms I went to the bathroom too pee, and as I was sitting on the toilet I looked at my wall and saw something moving. It was in fact, a frog that started to push its way out of the wall, looked at me, winked and said, 'See you later!' It didn't seem out of the ordinary.

Not soon after that did I have a death of my ego. I curled up in a little ball next to Bard and weeped. I don't really remember that part, but Bard told me about it. I remember after that though, we hugged each other non-stop for 2 hours because it felt so good. I learned so much then. I learned that the energy around us is so great, but we never stop to notice it.

Soon after that, I did something that not a lot of people say they do naturally when they are on shrooms. I fell asleep. My dreams were great. They were so colorful and full of life.

My trips ever since the frog in the bathroom have been themed with lizards/amphibian characters. Not bad if you love animals. If you are reasearching good trips and bad trips, I would say that it was wonderful. I have never experienced anything like it. I'm glad I drank some water when I was taking the shrooms, it seemed to help me wash down the taste and keep me relaxed. It was also a good idea to do it in a comfortable surrounding (it helped having the rest of my family gone), and having someone around who has experienced it before for comfort reasons. Stay safe and have a good trip!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38086
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 18, 2019Views: 956
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