Sensing My Mother From Beyond
Citation:   miss_eleven. "Sensing My Mother From Beyond: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp38236)". Jan 13, 2018.

1 g   Mushrooms
My mother died four and a half years ago. Twice now, I have felt her presence with me while on mushrooms. Not that I don't feel it at other times, but these have been very intense. The first, not even a year after her death, some friends and I drank some magic tea. I ended up locking myself in the bathroom for hours, clutching a stone someone had given me, and staring into the mirror. When I felt her arrive, my reflection became something other than myself. What, I am not sure. Suddenly she was there, I felt her. Pain and joy combined, and the solid rock bursts in my hand into bits and pieces. I finally came out of the bathroom, and gave everyone there a piece of the stone. More recently, I was in a club, talking to my friend, and suddenly felt an urgency to go outside. I walked into an ally, my friend followed. I felt more joy than I have in years, probably since her death. I tried to explain it to my friend. He was not on shrooms, and being very patient with my explanation. When I was finally able to explain it in a sensible way, he began to cry with me. I could not stop, laughing and crying at the same time. Ecstatic with the fact there was an angel sitting next to me.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38236
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2018Views: 951
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Mushrooms (39) : Various (28), Mystical Experiences (9), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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