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Emergency Trip
Citation:   Karcuum. "Emergency Trip: An Experience with Datura (exp38441)". Jun 23, 2007.

2.5 flowers   Datura
I had decided, despite several negative experiences by friends, to try some Datura. I went to the local plant and procured 3 slightly dried blossoms. I consumed them later that night, nearly gagging at the taste. Shortly after, I began to feel slightly intoxicated, and very thirsty. I knew from reports that datura often causes extreme thirst, and panicked when I realized I had nothing to drink. I became very afraid and decided to sleep it off. I awoke in restraints in a hospital. I was told that I bolted up in bed, eyes bulging, muscles straining, repeatedly whispering 'He's coming to get me'. Similar behavior continued, and the paramedics where called, and I was taken to the hospital.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 38441
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 23, 2007Views: 3,491
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Datura (15) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Alone (16)

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