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The Sorcerer's Explanation- Initiation
Citation:   Ras Tafari. "The Sorcerer's Explanation- Initiation: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp38745)". Mar 14, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
In three seperate setions, in which I participated in the sacrament of the flesh of God (Magic Mushroom)and the flower of the tree of life(marijuana) I experienced surges of energy comming from the base chakra and crown chakra, meeting at the heart chakra. It was as though the whole universe had collapsed upon me.

Then, one day, I fell in love. It was a kind of manic agape in which I emersed myself for three months without the object of my love. 'There is no completeness without sadness and longing', don Juan. Then the great release occured.

'I see a darkness, and the 7 Atl'aman, and there was light.' Prophecy of the Nameless One.

It was New Years Eve 2000-2001 and there were 7 of us.

I ingested 3.5 grams of magic mushrooms, which took me about half an hour. Before that three joints were passed.
I sat cross-legged on the edge of a mattress, which we put on the floor so it would be possible for some of us to lie down.
Then something shoved a energetic star (assemblage point) into my head and, due to the impact, I died.
I remember having wanted to smoke a spliff but was unable to. I just fell on my back, my arms crossed over the chest and the joint hanging from the side of my mouth.

Then, all of a sudden, the room became filled with lava (hallucination) and I passed out, but a part of me was still aware.
Then I had a vision of a bubble bursting and all the space became filled, first with smoke, and then with a blackness, blacker then black. Then the tumbler cracked open my luminous cocoon( Tonal) and my spirit (Nagual) escaped to the stars. I remember having the bodily sensation of enormous heat of the star I entered followed by coldness of space as I moved to the next star. I traveled to three stars in my spirit body.

Then the pressure, the gravity of the universe made me rise from the darkness into a void that became filled, first with a lofty white light, which felt like being sand, and then it became very dense, like cement. Then I had a vision of four beings standing over me. Ah the white light.

Then I had a vision of being in front of a tower, which stretched high into the sky and at the top there was a beam of light emanating from that tower-like structure. The I heard a murmor and woke up fully conscious, feeling like reborn. The whole experience slipped into the unconscious and it took me years to fully comprehend it.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 38745
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 14, 2018Views: 822
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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