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Supernatural Life Changing Day
Citation:   Electric Rainbow. "Supernatural Life Changing Day: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp39050)". Erowid.org. Jul 13, 2018. erowid.org/exp/39050

1.75 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  5 glasses oral Vitamin C (liquid)
My story: It was about 2:50 am and I had some shrooms under my bed. There were 4 stems and about 2 crushed up Caps. I decided to eat them all. So I put them in my mouth chewed them up pretty good and swallowed them. I heard that Oranje Juice made them stronger so I had about 5 glasses afterwards lol.

20 Minutes later: I started feeling wierd and numb kind of inside and thats about it.

1 hour into it: I felt heavy numbness but still nothing to much and I started gettin mad thinkin they weren't going to work.

1:20 Minutes: I walked over to my bed and I felt I had spider legs. Like they were really long and pointy. So went back to my computer and listened to some techno music and closed my eyes. It was INSANE! As my eyes were closed I felt and saw things as if I was traveling through space. I counted about 12 different worlds that I went to. Then this lady took me to space and I was really believing that it was happening to me. Then I opened my eyes and I was like WHAT! I'm still here. So I went and layed down by my heater and I heard lots of voices talking to me. I would have conversations that lasted years with them, only to look at the clock and only seconds have past. Time seemed to take forever, and before I took them I never thought it could seem so long. I thought people exaggerated but its true. Time seems FOREVER!

Then I was typing on my keyboard and all the keys stretched out! They reminded me of an army marching around. Then I went and layed back down by the heater and my foot melted into the door and I saw a boat sticking out of my ceiling! So I went and layed back down and just had crazy thoughts. Going to different planets, falling through my bed and stuff like that. I then opened my eyes and my room was only 2 dimensional! CRAZY! I didnt know how it was working like that. I couldnt understand why I was stuck in such a small place. That seemed to had lasted 20 minutes but when I looked at the clock, not a minute had passed. After that I looked at pictures on my wall and they spun around eachother. Things seemed to move out of place alot that night.

After that it was like 5:30 in the morning so I took a shower. The water felt like it was falling through my back but I couldnt see it coming out my stomach. It was wierd. Then I had to get ready for school and the rest of the day I had trouble thinkin hard and stuff like that.

In conclusion, mushrooms are a magical drug. I still have crazy ideas and creative thoughts. I. Before this, was very uncreative. Now I seem to be able to imagine crazy things really easy.

Today is decmeber 16, 2004, and I did them 2 nights ago.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39050
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 13, 2018Views: 802
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)

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