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Divine Intervention
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Usemeabuseme. "Divine Intervention: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp39081)". May 1, 2007.

  smoked Cannabis
  3.5 g oral Mushrooms
A few months ago, I met my best friend's girlfriend for the first time and together we all would hang out, smoke weed, party at her house, and have an all around good time. Finally, being the experienced shroomer she is, she talked myself and a few of my friends to shroom with her. I had never done the drug before, and although it is not that dangerous of a drug, I admit I was a bit hesitant to give it a whirl. But after a couple of bowls and some decent pep-talk, she managed to convince me that this would be the time of my life. (I swear the couple of bowls had nothing to do with it).

I'm getting side-tracked, but then again if you don't like it then stop reading. We managed to dish out 100 dollars between four of us and acquired a fucking gigantic bag full of some (inspected by our experienced shroomer) good shrooms. I used some little 12 year old's digi that was present at the time and carefully weighed out 3 1/2 grams, an amount suggested to me at the time and also an amount I would suggest to any first-timer.

I popped the first handful of shrooms in my mouth and began to chew. I won't even attempt to describe the taste of mushrooms, so we'll just say....THEY'RE FUCKING DISGUSTING! Disgusting, yet a uniquely acquired taste. So after chasing the batch with a swig of orange juice (another tip suggested by the experienced shroomer, it supposedly enhances the high) I grabbed the other pile and popped them in my mouth and munched out, and again followed up with a nice chug of OJ. I had to travel about 20 minutes from my town to get the shrooms, so after everybody ate their share, we jumped in my car and headed back home. Giddy and stoned off my ass, I anxiously awaited the arrival of a trip I will never forget.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Approx. 10:00 PM - By the time I had returned to my own town, I was not feeling the high but I wasn't discouraged. My friends assured me that shrooms usually take a good 30-45 minutes to start really kicking in. So I dropped all of my friends off and decided this would be a more spiritual experience with only non-trippers and myself. *Side note: I hate people that can't handle a high and I always get pissed off around them because they start acting incredibly ridiculous.* And being that I have heard time and time again that your trip depends entirely on your mood, I did not want any outside influences fucking up my great time. So after driving around forever dropping off all of my friends, I began to head back home.

Approx. 10:30 PM - I was cruising down the last stretch of main road adjacent to my house when all of a sudden, a slightly odd occurance....occured. THE FUCKING ROAD WAS CHANGING COLORS!!! Now when I say the road was changing colors, I don't mean that I saw the street lights reflecting faint streaks of yellow on the asphalt, I'm talking full-blown, horses at the end of The Wizard of Oz, NEON COLORS. Perhaps the most beautifully strange part of the trip, simply because it was the first true hallucination I had ever encountered. Oddly enough, no other objects were modifying themselves and I had no body-high to speak of, seeing that the weed had completely died off.

Approx. 10:40 PM - Slightly discouraged, I reached my house and stepped out of my car, directly onto a play-doh like substance. No, my dog had not shit in my driveway, the concrete simply sunk beneath my foot. 'Okay,' I said to myself. 'Hold on to your nipples, this is going to be a wild ride.' I noticed that when I reached my front door, the entrance of my home just appeared completely massive beneath the glowing purple sky. I was so excited that I quickly ran inside and was stopped in the hall way by my younger sister, who commented on my penny-sized pupils. Shrugging the little nuisance aside, I ran into my garage room, completely prepared to chill with my twin French-Canadian step brothers.

As one might imagine, their accents are simply atrocious, and I thought, what better way to begin a trip than using foreigners for my entertainment pleasure. So once I was in the room they both came up to me asking a thousand questions as they always do. This night, however, I did not tell them that if they asked me one more question I would shit on them while they slept. No, instead I contently listened to the sound of their hilarious echoing voices, and stared at their ever-growing eyes. Both continued speaking as my mind altered their faces into those of flies, and soon I could not bear to look anymore as I burst into hysteria.

Approx. 11:00 PM - Through fits of dancing shelves and babbling Canadians, I somehow managed to sit down and begin watching TV. Viva la Bam began to play, and as the over-popular skater-boi danced around on screen with Compton-Ass Terry, pieces of the television began to dance and warp along with the editing of the TV show. This is hard to explain, because as the show itself, to a non-tripper, was morphing and shaking, I was shroomed beyond all recognition and adding an additional television rave on top of it all. Soon this party of a television set overwhelmed me and I informed my brothers that it was time for me to go stare at myself in the bathroom mirror.

Approx. 11:15 PM - I stood in front of my bathroom mirror, accompanied by Towelie from South Park. After a decent conversation with a piece of cloth that I usually dry my naked body with, I stared into the mirror and was disappointed to find that nothing was happening. That is, until I noticed in my peripheral vision that my head was growing like an inflating balloon in my reflection on the medicine cabinet. When I shifted my attention to the medicine cabinet reflection, my head shrunk to normal size and now, in my peripheral vision, my head was ballooning in my reflection of the regular mirror. This imbalance fucked with me for a good ten minutes until it grew old.

I decided to start experimenting with my hallucinations. I drew my face extremely close to the mirror and noticed a blackhead underneath my eye and thought what the hell. As I attempted to slay the blackhead, my fingers simply sunk right into my flesh! As my pores grew and shrunk constantly, and my fingers were finally halted by my flesh, I rubbed my cheek in circles in one direction with my index finger. As I withdrew my finger, my flesh continued spiraling for several seconds until it would slowly regroup and come to a rest.

Approx. 11:30 PM - Completely enthralled, positively consumed with delight, I headed to the guest bedroom inside my house to see what else my mind could create. I quickly got into the bed, covered myself up, and directed my attention to the smiling ceiling fan. I was confused because I had never noticed the grin before, and I pondered the possibilities of why I had overlooked the obvious ceiling fan trait. 'It's because you ate mushrooms,' explained the ceiling fan. I thought, weird, I didn't know the ceiling fan could talk too. This may seem like a lame attempt at tongue in cheek humor, but I swear I was completely baffled that I had overlooked such an outlandish appliance.

Once I finally put two and two together and realized that I was tripping balls, I could not stop the laughter. I laid in the bed and giggled for an honest-to-god thirty minutes, every once in a while momentarily pausing to watch the robots (which I later discovered were my bed-posts) battle over the new universe (which I later discovered was simply created by my retarded brain).

After my laughing episode, I shifted now to the walls, which were bleeding. Don't worry future shroomers, this is completely normal and is not frightening in any way. It was actually quite peaceful as I warmly followed the thin trails of blood trickle down the wall. As the blood ran down the wall, it began to all collect in a pool directly beneath the only two pictures in the room. On the left, is a photo of my twin step-brothers when they were toddlers. On the right, hangs a photo of myself and my sister, toddlers as well.

I'd now like to take this opportunity to say congratulations for making it this far, my story actually pretty much starts here. Believing that the pool of blood was a sign, I focused on the photos on the wall and noticed a fiery spiral forming in my brothers' and sister's eyes, yet my eyes slowly shut and I completely disappeared from the picture. Bad enough, you think, until my brothers and sister began snickering and seemingly coming closer to the bed I was laying in. I was absolutely scared shitless but could not avert my attention.

Finally I closed my eyes tight and told myself, 'You're shrooming, you're fucking shrooming, snap out of it.' When I opened my eyes, everything was back to normal. I did not notice as all of this was going on, but when I looked at the alarm clock next to the bed, it was nearly 1 in the morning. I had heard shroomers explain time passing at incredibly rapid rates, and incredibly slow rates, but this floored me. I could not believe it. It seemed as though less than five minutes had gone by since I began watching the bleeding walls.

Approx. 1:00 AM - Now, I have heard that trips on shrooms last from 8-12 hours (of course depending on a number of things, i.e. amount consumed, etc.) and I was now about 2 1/2 hours into my trip. For some reason, after my terrifying spell, my trip was absolutely gone. I did not see anything out of the ordinary, I felt completely baseline, and I slowly drifted to sleep thinking...what the fuck just happened?

I know I babbled on and on with this story. It contains symbolization, perhaps even a moral, and I must admit that I truly believe this trip changed my being. This sounds completely cliche and is repeated a number of times, but it is 100% true. I have related my story with my friends that shroomed as well that night, and all shroomed well past sunrise. Corny as it sounds, I possess a greater appreciation for life now, after I fell of the wall. I tell myself every now and again that this all happened for a reason; perhaps some god which I've never believed in finally found a way to help me appreciate all that I have. So to end on a, once-again cliche, positive note: Appreciate all that you have and are. You never know when you too might be removed from the wall.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39081
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 1, 2007Views: 4,652
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Mushrooms (39) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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