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A Disasterous Yet Wonderful Night
Mushrooms & LSD
Citation:   Jewfolife. "A Disasterous Yet Wonderful Night: An Experience with Mushrooms & LSD (exp40393)". Feb 14, 2005.

T+ 0:59
3 hits oral LSD (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 4.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Previous experiance: My girlfriend and I have done acid once and mushrooms once, as well as Ecstasy a bunch of times, and special K a few times. We have combined ketamine and ecstasy as well. I have done cocaine, and massive amounts of marijuana, as long as tripping on dramamine.

Well my girlfriend and I definitely had probably the worst experience in the world this weekend. I had purchased 10 grams of dried mushrooms that we had previously done and 6 hits of liquid acid on sugar cubes, which I had heard was pretty weak. At 11:00 we dropped 3 cubes each...

T+1 hour: Visuals are minor, overall kind of goofy feeling with fun tracers and nice patterns on the ceiling, but nothing intense really, just as we had thought, the acid was weak. So we decided to ingest 4 grams of mushrooms each.

T+1.5 hours: Visuals are getting awesome, ceiling turning into brilliant multi-color patterns that are intertwining and melting into each other, an incredibly beautiful sight. The mushrooms had made me very immobile and as I couldn't see my body I felt like I had been unattached from my body and I was just a head sitting on my pillow.

T+2 hours: Foreplay is AMAZING, physical touch magnified 1000 fold, touching is so intense we actually have the ability to melt into each other both visually and physically. We were rolling around on my bedroom floor pretending, me, thinking I was a cat (purring and growling) and having the time of our lives. The feeling was so intense and amazing we were both in tears moaning on our floors as we licked each other and touched one another. It was so intense it easily beat Ecstasy-touch by 100 times. It was as if each cell in our bodies was having its own individual orgasm, I dubbed it body intercourse. Visuals never got too intense, but mentally it was amazing. We were able to actually lie on top of each other and melt into each other completely, as if we became one person. We felt as if we were intertwined so much that it was actually physically impossible what we were able to do, bending in impossible 'gumby' directions. Nothing I can say can even begin to explain the orgasmic feeling we were feeling. It was so intense we were actually crying. On top of this I was melting all over the place, I actually felt myself dripping... along with everything else (the walls, the floor, everything, it actually felt as if I was made of water and I was dripping on the floor as I saw my hands extend by inches.)

T+2.5 hours: All of a sudden we began to get kind of scared as the trip was getting too intense. We were both having massive sensory overload where it was if we were both being electrocuted, we could feel massive 'electricity' in our fingers especially. We didn't know what to do with ourselves so we went downstairs. (It gets a bit hazy from here, so I'll do my best to try and keep things in sequential order.) Mentally we were actually beginning to have skitzofrenic thoughts, everything was moving so fasts, and a minute felt like an hour. We thought about everything and we thought that we were dying. It was getting worse as my girlfriend was becoming unresponsive to anything I was saying to her. It was at the point where I was so scared and depressed that I thought all my body parts were crying (Yes, I actually said, 'my nose is crying'). We didn't know what to do, we thought we were in a permanent sycosis state where we couldn't remember anything and we thought we took too many mushrooms and we were going to die.

T+2.7 hours (approx): Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I ran into the bathroom and stuck my fingers down my throat and threw up a few times tossing up any extra mushrooms that hadn't entered my system yet, this act made me feel fairly relieved and I did feel better but still out of my skull scared. My girlfriend doesn't have the ability to throw up and she wouldn't do it, so the remainder of mushrooms began digesting in her system. On top of this she was almost completely unresponsive while I was getting violent trying to get her to say something to me. After I threw up we were both in tears because we thought we were actually going to be dead in the morning.

T+3 hours: I ran upstairs and dragged my girlfriend behind me and went into my parents room and woke my mom up. I told her that we had done drugs and it was way too intense. I explained the whole situation to her and she stayed fairly calm and calmed us down a little. It was still SO terrifying, beyond words. My mom called poison control and they informed her to bring us to the hospital, so that's what she did, I actually had to get my girlfriend's shoes on, as she was in worse off condition than me (I threw up, she didn't, so the remaining mushrooms were still entering her bloodstream). As we were speeding to the hospital I remember vividly seeing the road we were on split off into four directions (up, down, left, and right), and we drove in all four in all those directions.

T+4 hours: Once in the hospital my mom couldn't get a hold of my girlfriend's parents, which was a good thing, so she signed the papers for her parents. I was getting better as I was able to answer questions, but my girlfriend was still in as bad shape as she was before. She crying profusely and repeating to herself 'I can't remember anymore' (typical cliche thing to say from those movies with the crazy chicks, e.g., Girl interrupted). I was going crazy as there was this stupid guy rambling (I seriously thought he was saying completely incoherent sentences) on Jay Leno and I almost ripped the cable out of the wall to turn off the tv cos he was driving me insane.

T+6 hours: We have now been waiting in the hospital for 2 hours, but I guess our emergency wasn't important to the one doctor in the ER compared to the drunk driver who flipped his car, the hemophiliac who got a bloody nose, and an old women who had a heart attack. We already knew that once my girlfriend's parents got the bill for the ER visit we would never be able to see each other again (after being together a year and a half and being fully in love this was AWFUL). My girlfriend had calmed down to the point where she was having a conversation with me, and finally I go, 'mom, this sucks, lets leave, we're fine now.' My mom worked it out that since they did absolutely nothing for us that they shouldn't have to bill us and so the ER people labeled it as 'unseen' where we actually never came in!

This situation could have been SO much worse on every level, firstly if we had taken a full 5 grams of mushrooms each and secondly if her parents had picked up the phone then it would have been all over, and even if they didn't had they done any tests (blood tests, etc) i would never have been able to see her again. This has taught me a few lessons, one which is that I am NOT invincible, bad things can happen. And the second which is don't mix drugs, especially at normal doses. I always thought I could handle anything, and any drug, but I guess I was wrong. I guess overall though it has brought us much closer together to the point where we were confessing lies in the hospital bed (yes we were sitting on the same bed). The outcome was a positive one even if it was as scary as it was. And lucky for me my parents are cool!

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40393
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2005Views: 13,091
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Mushrooms (39), LSD (2) : Sex Discussion (14), Difficult Experiences (5), Hospital (36)

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