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Temporary Relief from Moctezuma's Revenge
by Hs
Citation:   Hs. "Temporary Relief from Moctezuma's Revenge: An Experience with Peyote (exp40968)". May 10, 2006.

2 buttons oral Peyote
I was living in mexico for 5 months straight, previously bound to NYC metropolitan lifestyle my whole life.

Once I got to mexico, I was somewhat careful on what I ate and drank.

I've had digestive problems since I was a kid, however, on my last days in mexico I suspect it was a chicken soup that threw me over the border. I thought I was going to die in the boonies of mexico: diahrrea and stomach pains for 3 days straight.

Luckily on the third day a friend of mine suggested I try two normal sized peyote buttons. I had heard earlier of its astringent and anti microbial effects so thought it may help...

After chewing and ingesting the 2 buttons (not a particularly strong dose) followed by a little clean water I felt tremendously better within a couple of hours. Like new. I even went to the bathroom like a man.

It made my day and the next, both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, however, once it was out of my system. back came moctezuma's revenge.

I took the buttons around 9pm, effects subsiding by the morning. The rest of that day and into the evening I was fine and slept alright, but the following day came back the GI upset. At least my mood was better for the next 2 days.

I ate very little that morning and afternoon so that the buttons would have a stonger affect.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 40968
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 10, 2006Views: 16,255
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Peyote (42) : Health Benefits (32), Alone (16)

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