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A Journalist From Our Reality
Mushrooms - P. mexicana
Citation:   Jonny C. "A Journalist From Our Reality: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. mexicana (exp42497)". Erowid.org. Oct 3, 2022. erowid.org/exp/42497

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8 g oral Mushrooms - P. mexicana (dried)
I woke up at around 1.00pm. I had plans to go into the city with a friend I lived with, so I got up and got ready, put on the TV and sat down and waited for him to get ready. I had purchased some truffles and dried them out about 2 weeks before this. I noticed that they were starting to go bad and I had about 20g of them. I would like to point out at this point that I had never tried mushrooms or truffles before, and although I had read a lot about the effects I still don't think anything could have prepared me for what I was going to experience.

As I watched TV I thought I'd take some truffles so I weighed out 10g and started chewing on small pieces of them. I had ingested about 8g when my friend came in to tell me he was ready. We went downstairs and I sat on the stairs while he went to get something. I started feeling a little nausea but thought it might have been because I had nothing to eat yet today. We both left the house and began our walk into the city. It was when I started walking that I noticed that something was affecting me. I was feeling very strange; kind of giggly. It kind of felt a little like when I smoke dope but I felt a lot more awake and had a bad feeling in my stomach that was coming and going. We walked for about 5 minutes when I stopped and told my friend I had to go back to the house. He understood and I left him.

It was at this point that I started to get terrified. I felt that I had to make it back to the house or something horrific would happen. I was getting weird feelings all over my body and I felt that the people I was walking past knew that I was intoxicated in some way and became very paranoid of them. I started to run, feeling that I'd never get back to my safe haven. After a lot of anguish, cold sweat, upset feelings I made it to the door of my house. I fumbled with the key a little before getting it into the lock and turning it. I got into the house and immediately felt a little better that I was now safe.

However, I made my way to the bathroom straight away and just as I got the toilet seat up I threw up. I had to get this all out of my system. I felt that it was poison. After I was finished, I cleaned the toilet and stood up straight. I walked over to the mirror above the sink and looked in the mirror; things were kind of swimming but I could see that my face was very red and my pupils were hugely dilated. I'd never seen my pupils so big before in my life. I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. I then walked up stairs to my room; still feeling a little shaky but a lot better than beforehand. I did not feel sick anymore. I then took a mouthful of water. I swallowed and couldn't believe what I had tasted. I looked at the glass and took another mouthful. It was so sweet. It tasted like water with a lot of sugar and a hint of taste. I couldn't get my head around this but took another mouthful and walked over to my couch. I collapsed onto it and closed my eyes.

I started seeing wavy patterns of colour; predominately orange and purple. There were little shapes among the colour which looked like the numbers 6 and 9 that kept swirling around out of control. What happened next I cannot be sure of. I do not know what thoughts I had or what images come into my head. I can't even tell you how long this period lasted. It felt like about 4 days. When I tried to calculate it out later I think it was only approx 40-45 minutes. The only thing I remember from this period is that I felt that there were a million thoughts floating past my visionary field and that I could reach out and grab any one of them and ride this though from beginning to end. I felt that everything had meaning and purpose; that I could see the reason for everything or anything. I have never felt so knowledgeable or have had such a level of understanding before in my whole life. I wanted to remember everything I had seen or was seeing but every thought that came into my head, once I had it and moved on the thought disappeared. This was truly an amazing experience.

I then wondered to myself what I could see if I opened my eyes, so I did. I was lying down facing a wall of my room. Along the wall is a pine wardrobe and a Che Guevara poster. I could see the wood on the wardrobe swirling around; looking like water. It looked to be then trickling down the wardrobe door. I just sat in awe and amazement of what I was seeing and could do nothing but smile. I then looked at the poster of Che Guevara. He looked back at me. Then all of a sudden he looked evil. It looked like he was angry with me about something
I then looked at the poster of Che Guevara. He looked back at me. Then all of a sudden he looked evil. It looked like he was angry with me about something
but I couldn't work out what it was. I felt very frightened. I tried to take my eyes away but I couldn't. I felt drawn to him. It eventually scared me so much I had an urge to get up to rip the poster down of the wall but then I felt clam again. I started looking at the bottom of the poster; (it's just different shading - no pictures or writing or anything) but images started to form.

I could see what seemed to be a dead man and his face looking out from a grave dug by a Nazi soldier in a Jewish concentration camp during World War 2. I have no idea why this image came into my head. After examining the shading after I couldn't work out how I even seen what I had seen. I then realised that I had much more control and freedom when I had my eyes closed so decided to close my eyes again. I kept them closed for another period of time (of which I cannot be certain). I then decided that I should document the thoughts I was having along with the images etc. I felt that I knew so much in this state of mind and wanted to again know this when I was sober again. I managed to get up and got a pen and paper before collapsing on the sofa again. I opened the book and placed my pen on the paper. I then began to write, trying to document everything while lying down. I wanted my sober self to know what tripping was like so I could remember what way I was feeling. Looking at this book now my writing is terrible but still eligible. I think I will just write down here what I wrote down on the book. A lot of it is gibberish but gives an insight into what I was thinking and seeing at the time:(If you see text between *'s that is me explaining something)

describing an emotion you can't
you cannot describe tripping

there's feelings and emotions locked
in your head but you can't access them

time evolves
particles, everything over time evolves

my mind does not have the vocabulary to describe this.
you can think about anything and in that moment explore
ever eventuality and consequence.

superior beings
the only way that this will make sense is if you experience it.
looks like gibberish
our sense are limited. they can do so much more. this is basic level

our senses haven't evolved yet so we cannot explore these different methods
when you're tripping you're own mind provides the entertainment
anything else would be too much.

everything makes sense
you have to throw up because you're mind cannot cope with this new information.
new reality
and I'm a journalist from our reality.
when I got the pen and paper they were reluctant to let me in again...
but I convinced them that it would be good publicity and that we had to inform the people out there

you have all these amazing thoughts but they're so good you can't hold onto them.

there is an extended version to yourself.
you are holding back
you have to embrace things - meet them head on

your life has actually no purpose right now
knock knock knock *a room mate knocked my door here. It’s locked. I did not answer*
need to find a reason
im scared of knowing the truth -
|go away|
you will
send them
away. *I wrote this regarding my room mate knocking*

*at this point I drew a picture. I seen 4 long pieces of perspex. they were coloured red, blue, orange and yellow and were all joined at one end so it created a fan like object. on each piece of perspex there are lines of pigs. I have no idea what the hell this is. I think I’m crazy lol*

*a friend phoned my phone here - I didn’t pick up*
the reason you didn't pick up is because this experience is for individuals

communications between these 2 different levels cannot be good.

*me talking about my room mate knocking again*
dont come in
thank you

*drawing which looks like the following. There are arrows above and below the word as well.*

<--- intelligence --->
different levels and planes

*another drawing of my hand writing in the book and an eye looking at it*

the stuff you didn't understand NOW you get it!
do not forget this *this was referencing the experiences on mushrooms and other drugs that described what I was feeling at this present minute in time*

documenting the experience

first thing - 2 swirling patterns. orange and purple.

why would your mind come up with this??
the infinity diff.

there's no way of documenting this
video - pictures - text - etc.

I know stuff now but this is all just temporary.

the definition of tripping:
a reality where everything that is brought into light can have a purpose.

time does not exist in the same form as it does here.

fight club
marla singer
noises in bedrooms - heard them so so vividly
but on new level - not only heard it I understood it.

you can create a fantasy land by just closing your eyes

feel sorry for all the people that will never experience this

all that writing prob does not make sense in sober place but it does here

information overload

there are a million thoughts you could have in a millisecond and you could just clutch at any one of them and ride it for a lifetime

you can live a lifetime here - from birth to death

*at this point there is some more gibberish/drawings etc. they do not make any sense and I do not know what I meant when I wrote this stuff down. It’s not relevant but I’m sure your saying to yourself 'neither was anything else you wrote!' lol*

After finishing writing I lay there on the sofa for another while. I then felt refreshed and stood up. I decided to go outside for a walk and at this point I was still tripping but I was in more control. I was having strange thoughts. One thought I had was about energy. As you all know energy cannot be created or destroyed but only transferred from one source to another. I began to believe that energy instead of being stored or being transferred that when we were not using it, it was conspiring against us. That someday energy will be the thing that gets us. This wasn't a frightening thought - just something can come into my head as I walked.

I went to a restaurant and got something to eat and met my friends. At this point I felt I had completely sobered up. My stomach felt a little venerable but I felt normal again.

All in all this was truly an amazing experience. It’s definitely something I will be repeating. One thing I will say is that you should do this somewhere you feel safe and make sure you have no plans for a few hours. I would also recommend a sitter, or at least telling people/friends that you plan on using these drugs so they can check up on you. My mind has changed since this experience; I’m a more positive person.

Have fun with everyone's favourite vegetable and have a good trip! Peace

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42497
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 3, 2022Views: 64
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Mushrooms - P. mexicana (193) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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