Almost There
Citation:   Matti. "Almost There: An Experience with Datura (exp44128)". Jun 12, 2007.

1 flower oral Datura (tea)
    seeds oral Datura (tea)
This was my first time using Datura. I think this was a rather threshold dose of Datura, since I was aware of the fact that I was tripping. This took place in June, 2005.

For my trip I used one large yellow flower about 15cm long and a green seedpod. I boiled the materials for 2 minutes and then let it cool for two hours. I was left with a brown liquid, which resembled ordinary tea. I drank half of the cup and waited for half an hour. I started feeling funny and ingested the rest of the brew. I went to take a nap.

I woke up about 21:00 and was feeling really drunk. I actually thought that it was already Friday night. The first thing I did was to check if my pupils were dilated, and they were. I could hardly walk. I decided to chat a bit on msn, but noticed that I could hardly type and I couldn't see anything that was on my computer screen. So I decided that it was a good idea to just lay down and watch TV. I don't remember exactly what I was watching, nor do I remember if the TV was on or not. Everything was quite blurry and looked like it was all liquid.

According to my notes I also took a shower that evening, but I don't recall any of it. I remember that I had slight visuals and audio hallucinations. I remember eating some sandwiches and being unconsciously aware that someone else was sitting beside me, but as soon as I thought about it consciously that person would disappear. Sometimes I tried to talk to these entities, but as soon as I opened my mouth they would disappear. Mostly I could only see these things on the corners of my sight and never directly in front of me. In fact as soon as I turned my head towards them they would disappear. So I was pretty sure I was tripping.

Another interesting thing was that everything around me had a yellow tint in color. As I walked in the bathroom, the whole bathroom was bright yellow. I must say however that when I looked in the mirror I was pretty sure that it was myself I was seeing and not someone else.

I must also add that I was feeling as if I would vomit anytime and I was feeling more like I had a food poisoning. That part was very unpleasant. I also had a slight cottonmouth.

Finally I went to bed and woke up this morning feeling rather normal. It was a rather interesting experience if I don't count the side effects.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44128
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 12, 2007Views: 6,366
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Datura (15) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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