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About a Toad
Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Dextroamphetamine, Absinthe & Alcohol
Citation:   Centurion. "About a Toad: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Dextroamphetamine, Absinthe & Alcohol (exp45069)". Sep 27, 2007.

6.0 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (plant material)
  4 shots oral Absinthe (liquid)
    repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
  40 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
Before I begin, I must warn all readers that this experience was nothing rational, logic died on this night like an elephant shot full of LSD and thorazine. This experience started out as something mild, and turned into something incredible. The setting was a party at a friend of a friend's place, it was slow, not much happened, very little to say about it. It was when everyone else left or went to sleep that myself, C and M started in heavy.

Our travel-bag drug collection for the night sounded like something Hunter S. Thompson would be proud of. We had a half oz of cubensis, a pony keg of beer, bottle of absinthe, bottle of crown, a whole world of dextroamphetamine and an extensive collection of other pharmasuiticals, yet strangely enough, no weed in sight. For raw quantity, we estimate that between the 3 of us, we drained about 2/3rds of the keg, finished the absinthe and crown, went through some other beers, and hit the dex with around 40mg each, give or take. We also managed 1/4 of a bottle of rum that fell victim to the after-party some time around early dawn.

The experience was largely an irresponsible yet not entirely shallow feeling. It felt like a cosmic mistake we were destined to exploit. The three of us sat there in a city 4 hours away from our home town, pool side at a large house with a sauna and hot tub to boot, plus an enormous outdoor fireplace. The killer is that we didn't know or particularly care for the host of the party, yet some how all 3 of us were there.

The main theme for the night was a row of about a dozen clay toads at the edge of, and sitting in the outdoor fireplace. The mix of drugs naturaly gave way to their anthropomorphisization, and some became even so important as to have individual names. Most of these are not important, as they only took up small skits on the side of conciousness through the night. One of these toads, however, deserves greater mention.

Fuckass the Toad was his official name. He was an asshole of a toad, sitting there in a corner by himself- he was painted the same, yet none of us seemed to like him. He wasn't a loner by choice, he was more of a distant tyrant of toads; something we looked upon with disgust. As the night progressed, we found ourselves mistreating this self-appointed dictator.

The treatment of the toad fitted the conversation all too well of course, us simple three wondering what cosmic mistake landed us at this party. We spent time talking about the ruling class and the kind of disgusting excess we were sitting in; M enjoyed it, while C and I had other plans. We doused fuckass in absinthe and whisky then lit him on fire- no damage done to the kiln fired toad of course, but the symbolism counted. This night was a sort of a mockery of opulence, a satire of the upper class.

We mixed absinthe in draft beer just to giggle at the contradiction of the two. It was called rooster snot, because the head on the keg's hose looked a bit like a cartoon rooster, and mixing amber beer with blue (low quality) absinthe made it look green. It tasts as good as it sounds, and all three of us pray the two forms of alcohol never meet again in the same container.

All through the night the neighbours fence played tricks on us too. Some how the light shining through the boards made the entire thing look like an oceanside view. A dense row along the top looked like a coastline in a bay, with a bridge going across it. lines runing below looked like boats and reflections of the bridge. The boards also seemed to breath and bend, almost like waves occasionally.

Essentially this inebriated state carried on much the same, active and creative, the conversation never stopped between 1am and 6am. By about 3am C had thrown it in for the hope it would sink, and that we would stop poisoning ourselves. No such luck, fuckass the toad owned that night, he became an idol; the god of mistakes in the highest supernatural order.

So we continued drinking after hauling the pony keg out, and finnished the absinthe. The conversation is largely forgotten, most of it was muttering conspiracy theories and grandios plans in circles between each other. It was the emotions that mattered- there was an energy both destructive and positive, yet misdirected and apathetic. The thujone, pislocybin and dex fueled our mind, but the ethynol made sure we stayed put. And we did, outside of a one hour journey to a corner store and back around 5am.

I would say this trip is something to be repeated at a lower does. It is beyond me how none of us managed to end up with alcohol poisoning, being drown or ending up a burn victim. We also managed not to attract attention from the cops, or the neighbours. Despite all this, while my description wasn't too bright, emotionally the experience it was like touching a different, beautiful world.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45069
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 27, 2007Views: 6,872
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Alcohol (61), Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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