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A Wild Experience Indeed
Citation:   Barcanard. "A Wild Experience Indeed: An Experience with Datura (exp46450)". Mar 18, 2007.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00 8 oz oral Datura (tea)
  T+ 7:15 12 oz oral Datura (tea)
I am awoken promptly at 10:30 am by my best friend who asks me if I want to try out this Datura tea that he made that morning. I said, “Sure, why not.” as from what I heard it would be an amazing experience.

So, around 10:45 I consumed one glass (about 8 oz) and we sat around to wait. Within about 20-25 minutes I felt drunker than I have ever been and was stumbling horribly all over the place. I had to have stubbed my same toe about 7 times in a row. None of this dreaming had occurred for a little bit. But my speech was so slurred I hated talking as nobody could understand me. He drove me for a couple rides, I remember feeling that a black dog ran underneath my feet, but I must have been hallucinating.

My mouth became very dry and I had no appetite whatsoever. After a couple rides we came back and this is when one of the dreams began (that I know of). I was conscious through this one and it was about 4:30 pm. I walked outside and it was of course very light out and all the neighbors were out mowing the lawns, and kids were playing around. I kept asking my friends why so many people were up already and mowing lawns and shit. They all thought I was messing with them, but I honestly though it was 4:30 am until I waited a few more hours and wondered why it was getting dark. While I was outside my best friend was mowing his lawn for a little bit and I kept looking at him and It didn’t look like him at all, in fact the whole night I didn’t think he looked like himself, but instead a bartender I work with. Then we go to another friend’s house and cook up some hotdogs and pizza, which by then I was hungry enough to eat. This was around 6pm. We hung out there for shit and by then it had pretty much worn off. I still had odd perceptions of time, and the whole time I could not read up close whatsoever.

So, we go back to my friends house and he brews me up another glass and a half. We went to pick up some bud and when we got back it was dark. My legs for some reason became wobbly again and I went to my car to get the bowl. I sat down at a table outside and my best friend was walking to his house and turned towards me and said, “I really don’t think you should do this Jonathan, I mean I really don’t think you should.” This time he looked exactly like my dad who I barely ever see and I was just like, “what are you talking about?” So, I slowly drink the half glass, then we head out front to smoke a couple bowls. While we were smoking, they talked me into chugging the tall glass, half at a time. This time it was about 20 minutes and I got the crazy drunk feeling again. This time it was a little worse and every time I went to grab a drink or just set my arm on the table I spilled a drink, probably about 6 all together. My depth perception was crazy because some stuff appeared 3-d and closer than other things, so if I went to grab the fridge handle, I would miss or if I went to hold onto a pole to swing myself around, I missed and fell right down.

Several times I could not reach what I thought I could. By the way, everything that I tried to say to anybody, they couldn’t understand and by the time I got halfway through saying it, I completely forgot what I was talking about. So, another friend stopped by and he sat down, I didn’t even recognize him until I got so close to him that I could tell whose voice it was when he said, “ Jonathan, what the fuck are you doing?” I fell out of my chair a few times, and I also got up and thought I had plans in my head but kept walking back and forth over and over and one friend asked me each time I walked by where I was going. I eventually got mad because I couldn’t understand how he didn’t know where I was going. This is where the dreams really started taking place and this is where I didn’t remember shit the next morning.

Apparently, we all went over to one my other friends nearby houses and while we were there I kept accidentally knocking over his surfboards. I tried to leave his room by going into a corner and trying to get out. I also tried to squeeze behind his bunk bed which is impossible. They all told me I couldn’t do it but I insisted that I had done it before. We left there and after each of these dreams I’m holding some kind of object in a hand and when I come out of the dreams it’s not there, very confusing where I’m awake the whole time and like 7 times I think there’s going to be something in my hand.

Another dream as told by my friends was that I thought I was at work (a restaurant) and I was taking all their orders and I would be setting the table with invisible silverware as well as drinks. I went to throw away some invisible trash into a tree. I remember coming out of this dream because of where the setting took place and I remember walking back from that area thinking I had something in my hand and nothing once again. They told me that I did that several times throughout the night, picking up objects that weren’t there and putting them down. The scariest one for me to hear about was one that about 1:00am I walked by myself (they were supposed to be right with me, even though they could see me) all the way down the street and I went in someone’s yard and just as I was about to bang on their window my friends got hold of me and brought me back to the house. I lifted up like three different chairs and placed them in different spots. I remember seeing a figure in front of me at the table from earlier and I was talking to another friend next to me and said:
“Where the fuck did he go?”
He responded, “He’s right there.”

It turns out it was him right in front of me and I had no idea it was him. Another dream that occurred that I don’t recollect is that I was looking for socks in a bunch of drawers. One of the drawers I was searching through ended up being my friend’s kneecap! I also, subconsciously grabbed two of my friend’s nuts at some point or another in the night. They were freaked out but knew I couldn’t really help something that was going on in my dreams, for I know I could have been trying to turn on a water faucet. But somehow I ended up in my best friend’s sister’s room opening all her drawers looking for socks. Two of them said they tried to stop me but I wouldn’t let them.

Throughout the night I had several small visuals while I was conscious but while not I don’t remember anything. They all said I barely had any contact with them. Apparently we also went to 7-11 for someone to get a drink, and I stayed in the car with my best friend and he says I was tickling his neck from the back seat and then I sprawled out into a weird position in the back seat. Before long, for me anyway, it was 3:00 am and I was ready to go to bed. In the process of me going to bed, I was trying to get into bed and my friend was telling me in which direction to lay my body, It took me three tries of laying in the same exact direction to finally lay down and go to bed.

The next day all day I had small, very small visual effects and about ten times I felt a weird body effect feeling like I was getting pulled to the ground. As soon as my first dose kicked in I felt really heavy. That’s the end, I’m pretty sure, I had to call my friends a few times today to hear about the stuff I missed, and it wasn’t until I got a call from my brother (my best friend’s sister’s boyfriend) that I found out about the whole dresser situation because apparently she came home to a few dressers of pulled out drawers with clothes hanging out, this was the only thing I really feel bad about.

Overall, the experience was enjoyable. My eyes are almost completely better now, which is the day after the experience. And, also I forgot that many times throughout the night people were asking me how it was and I replied that It wasn’t as strong as I thought it would be, and then they would find out that I was referring to the ecstasy from a couple days ago, I guess when they asked me I kept forgetting that I was under the influence of Datura.

Again, this was a very dangerous thing for me to try and luckily I had 3 or 4 friends to watch over me. For example, another thing I forgot about was riding in my friends car thinking it was mine and seeing that he had power winders and my left window is always halfway down, so I had a revelation that my car actually had power windows and that when he rolled his window up the window was fixed, so the next morning I thought my car was actually going to have power windows. Well, I’m pretty sure that’s it.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 46450
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 18, 2007Views: 7,467
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Datura (15) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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